How to prevent unwanted streaming

How to prevent unwanted streaming

Hi everyone. I am looking for some help. My TV is a few years old now but I have always had a gripe. 
Every now and then my TV switches its self on and starts streaming random YouTube music videos. I have a bus stop outside my house and I live on a row of terrace houses. This sometimes happens while we are locked up switched off and in bed as a family and can happen at very annoying times like 3am etc. quite a shock when you hear music blaring while your half a sleep and the house is in darkness. 

anyhow I have since investigated and found that my neighbours and other random people waiting for a bus outside can accidentally cast onto my TV. I have marked my TV as my name and the house name, and tried changing my WiFi password and tried checking all the security functions on the apps and the TV its self. I have toggled off buttons that say allow others to remote to your TV. And even checked that nothing other than me is logged into the TV. I have signed out of apps and YouTube and cleared browsers but still occasionally random people and my neighbours accidentally do it. My neighbour apologies as I do tell her when this happens and she doesn’t understand how it happens either. She has an android phone I have an iPhone. 

is there any help on this as it’s a pain to unplug the TV every night and prevents updates to the TV coming through when needed. 

any advice? Should this happen? Is it not a privacy / date protection issue? I have asked Sky the same thing incase it’s my sky box but they said to contact the Tv manufacturer, they can’t help. 😞


so frustrated. 


Hi @Ca13kct   I would start by turning Bluetooth off (voice button will no longer work). Without knowing the exact model of TV it is impossible to give specific information, but look for Remotes and accessories in the Settings.



I don’t understand how this can happen, given:-


The mobile device, tablet or computer you're using to cast must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in. 


So how, if you have a password set, are people getting onto your WiFi?

Check you haven’t left it open somehow.


Or maybe, as belt and braces, you could hide your SSID? This would be a small inconvenience for you, true, if you have devices being added to your WiFi network all the time, but it’s doable.


Then people at the night bus stop won’t even be able to see your WiFi, let alone join it.


Afterthought - I don’t suppose you have a YouView box? Some of these have started turning on the attached TVs at about three in the morning…..

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Hi @royabrown2,


only option I could imagine is some sort of WiFi direct network the TV itself creates - but again - without, this is just a guessing game.


Aside from that you are right. No device outside your home network (Wifi/LAN) can cast to your TV.


- Nic