Upgrade SoC ATV 1? 2015 & 2016 models


Upgrade SoC ATV 1? 2015 & 2016 models

I own a Bravia XD8505. The TV itself is nice and we are happy with its picture quality. We are using the Android TV interface for pretty much everything we do on the TV, and here is the limitation. The Android TV it self works well, but so slow that I have newer seen anything like this before. 

The question is if it would be possible to upgrade the SoC in the TV, like buying a new board of some sort? The TV is just a couple of years old and it would be a punch in the face for the environment if we had to Change the whole TV-set every third year or something just because the SoC gets outdated. Specifically on this TV where the SoC is so sluggish from start compared to the quality of the rest of the TV. 

Is there or could Sony think of any update program for the ATV1 series? I would gladly pay quite much for that. It would be a step in the right direction to save the planet as well. 

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I don't know either, that's way I asked for an upgrade of the TVs hardware that I think is the only solution, which probably newer will happen.

The smart-TV functionality on the ATV 1 equiped Bravias is completely unacceptable, and I'm so mad at myself for not returning the TV when I could, since I found it all to slow from day one and I knew back then that the 2017 models (XE85) would get a new SoC that at least is a little bit less slow. It's a shame that a premium brand like Sony accepts crappy SoC like this one from Mediatek, that actually was obsolete already from the beginning. I wish I had made more research before my choice of TV, and not listening som much to the seller from Sony in the store. I never understood that it was the same old SoC in the XD85 model as in the XC85. 

Now I solved this by order a Nvidia Shield TV pro, and I'm really satisfied except from that it doesn't support HDR in YouTube (yet). But yes, with the Shield Android-TV works like it suppose to, also with continuous updates (the Shield from 2015 still get those to). 

My Idea with buying a TV with Android-TV inbuilt was to eliminate the need for external boxes, but with a Sony Bravia equipped with the ATV1 SoC, it is more or less a must to get a decent user experience. The difference is huge I can tell. 

Next time I might try a TCL TV that now on uses Realtek instead of Mediatek. That makes it possible with faster OS updates and longer OS support since the Realtek drivers are open source with no need to wait for new closed drivers from the maker af the SoC every time a new version of Android-TV arrives.

So, my advice to all of you, like me, is disappointed over your expensive nice premium TV, buy the Shield or some other fast external Android-TV equiped unit, it's worth every cent! 

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Best option to stay always updated with smart features is to buy an external box such as a fire stick for few pounds


I think the short answer is no - Sony don't even offer a very up to date SoC solution on the 2019 models and there's talk that even these new models cannot be upgraded to Android Pie as the Meditek chip is too old or unsuitable for further updates. And I've just got one of these TVs a week or so back!


I think it's extremely unlikely Sony would ever consider releasing an upgrade as it's just not cost effective and it's your problem not theirs... having smart attributes built into consumer products like TVs is a great way to force upgrades way before it's necessary. Most TVs should last 7 years or more....adding smart features seems a sure way to cut this time. Not the answer any of us want to hear but I think that's the reality unfortunately.


Simplest answer seems to buy a Roku or Amazon fire stick for £30 and solve most of the problems.


Yes I think to buy some external unit for the TV is vital and the only way to get some use of it without having constantly Haigh blod pressure. I'm looking at the Nvidia Shield 2019 at the moment.

The Bravia XD series works actually just as a monitor, the rest is a piece of junk due to the under powered SoC. For example when watching TV it takes eight seconds from pressing Guide button on remote until the guide completely shows up, how is it even possible??? The second time it's get faster, but similar load times applies to most of the TVs functions after each and every start up. I now tried the Google assistant on the TV since it's just been released here in Sweden, but the TV can't handle it, it tries but it's so distorted and pixeled during the use of it due to the slow SoC that the user experience is a totally disaster. 

I hardly regret that I ever bought this TV, it should newer been sold public. It could have been so good with a faster CPU and some more RAM. Our family can't afford to spend another 2000 euro on a new TV set after just a couple of years.

I actually hate this TV. 


Anyway to overclock the TV? 


You may have just to reset it and adjust some setting... mine A1 is on a 5891 SoC so slightly faster but I do not complain about performance (if you want you may take a view on some recorded features on oreo bu I did it also on nougat https://youtu.be/hVlTTiXUYdM )
If for you think that's too slow I am afraid you should avoid android.but also other os 

I love the Android-TV. I have a Philips Android-TV of about the same age in kitchen, and I have a Mi box 3 connected to our bedroom TV as well, so I have quite much experience from this. It's only the Sony that is so unbelievable slow. The other two units is like rockets in comparison. I did the last reset of the TV like a year ago, maybe it could give some percent higher speed if I do again, but it's a bif job to get all things back as wanted again. 

The Sony TV in the YouTube video is at least five times faster (edit: ten times faster, at least!!!) than the xd8505. If it had been my TV set I had been satisfied. 

So, Android-TV - yes, Sony 65xd8505 - no. 


@vispen74 it is the first time ever that I heard someone stating the Philips Android TV version is better than Sony (ok there is no such talking in any case about philips, does not even exist a forum for their products), but please do not talk about feeling, record the same scenario I did from my own A1 and show us your faster Philips. MiBox doesn't account as a comparison IMHO I would rather compare it with an Nvidia Shield.


@vispen74  ha scritto:


The Sony TV in the YouTube video is at least five times faster (edit: ten times faster, at least!!!) than the xd8505. If it had been my TV set I had been satisfied. 

So, Android-TV - yes, Sony 65xd8505 - no. 

That is my own TV, no fake - no Sony trick. In this version I didn't even activated the Developer option.

It has a slightly better SoC same RAM amount, there is no much reason for it to be ten time faster.

I'd suggest to reset it (it is annoying but nothing dramatic), deactivate some app you'll ever need, activate the developer option and start changing some parameters that may help (i.e. max background job).


Here we go, couldn't continue to record because my doughter goes nuts... 


But I think it's more than enough to get a picture of the speed of the TV.

  • Totaly unresponsive after pressing guide button
  • Stuttering when TV is working hard with loading the guide
  • Totally unresponsive again after pushing Discover button
  • And so on... 
Shows the incredible speed in responce due to the XD85 powerful CPU and RAM...