RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.


181 REPLIES 181

Hi, sorry to be bumping in 2015 but having issues with my hdx-1065.


my screen remains black on all digital channels and no epg, when I try to go to the guide it just throws me out. I've factory reset it and retuned. Select digital and it picks up channels when tuning. But even after screen remains black.


when I enter the menu and try to enter dtv setting it boots me out.


is there anyway to check current firmware installed? And upgrade if need be?



Don't know why the support pages doesn't show firmware upgrade instruction for your model, check in any case the pages for RDRHXD1070 that should be exactly the same...


here you can find the instruction to check the firmware version (the latest should be 1.70) that is mandatory for your unit to work smoothly