Talk Talk TV Hub stopped working with TV

Talk Talk TV Hub stopped working with TV

My Talk Talk TV Hub has recently stopped working with my rather old Bravia KDL-40W5810 (possibly after a TalkTalk software update).


The TV Hub (using all the new cabling provided by Talk Talk) connects nicely to other (even older) TVs I have but with our Bravia, the TV Hub boots up but hangs after the YouView logo appears. This seems to be a HDMI connection issue but I don't know what settings I can change to get the equipment connecting properly. Any ideas gratefully received!


My Bravia software is up to date.

I'm using the new Talk Talk supplied HDMI cable.


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It’s encouraging (unfortunately) that it’s not just me! Add your story to this Talk Talk Community thread please:

TV Hub Hangs On Boot Up



It’s very worrying that TalkTalk tech can’t understand the problem, because in principle, it’s very simple 😢


The TalkTalk YouView box (Hub) boots up at 576i, which clearly works, as you are seeing the YouView logo on the TV. At this point, the Hub interrogates the Sony TV as to what higher format it can support, and should switch to it.


So the possibilities are:-

The Sony TV doesn’t hear the question, or doesn’t understand it, and so doesn’t reply, leaving the Hub hanging waiting for an answer that never comes;

The Sony TV replies, but the Hub doesn’t hear the reply, or doesn’t understand it, leaving the Hub hanging without an answer.


So, assuming the TV hasn’t been broken by a Sony update (vanishingly unlikely after 15 years!) some change that TalkTalk made in the latest Hub update has broken the second - though not the first - HDMI handshake.


So the first thing that TalkTalk should do is scan the Hub software and firmware for any changes to the second HDMI handshake, deliberate or accidental, and see about reversing them.


If they can’t find any such, then they will need to do some work on the lab bench to examine the HDMI handshake, to see what’s going wrong. For this, they may need a 15-year old Sony TV. And it would be very useful, @Ktclark and @April88, to know exactly which model(s) of Sony TVs you have, to see if this can be narrowed down to model-specific, or year-specific, or what.


My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…