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FZ21Z & windows 7 32 bit


FZ21Z & windows 7 32 bit


Does anyone runs WINDOWS 7 32 bit on a FZ21Z?
If yes, does the video card (nvidia M8600GS) works properly WITH ALL the HD features?
I'm running windows 7 64bit on my FZ21Z and I've lost HD features using the vista 64 driver for the video card.... The card works but is not playing full HD films... maybe I should have bought a version 32 bit :slight_frown:

Thanks for your help!


Please nobody has a clue about my thread? I'm thinking about buying windows 7 32 bit but I'm afraid to do so...

Thanks in advance :smileygrin:


Hello Julien,

I have a FZ21Z and I am running Win7 32bit and it seems all fine. :slight_smile: What do you mean by HD-features? I can use all resolutions and when I connect to my TV, I can switch to Full HD.

Let me know if this is what you wanted to know.




Hello Embador.

I updated the FZ21Z to Windows 7 (32 bit).

Du you have some suggestions for:

* Playing Blue Ray disks?
Because of not finding the DVD MD Software (just updates :slight_frown: ) I installed the trial of WinDVD 2010. No way to play Blue Ray Disks. The DVD device shows me Matshita BD-MLT UJ-220S - guessing the driver is missing. Currently using Version 6.1.7600.16385 from Microsoft Publisher.
btw: du you know how to get the MD DVD für the Vaio?

* HDMI connector does not working correctly. No Picture at the Beamer, the Flatscreen only shows a picture of bad quality in short intervalls - i.e. the Screen is not be able to work with the offered signal. Cable is checked and ok on other devices. Maybe the question of the NVIDIA Graphics driver. Currently Version is installed for the NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS.

Hopefully you have some Informations for me from your 'working enviroment'.

Thanks a lot!