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Hi there,
my laptop has recently stopped holding its charge. When running off battery power alone it will last for about 20mins and shut down
I now have to have it permantely powered to the mains
When I power I'm now told the battery performance is 'critical' - I'm sure now I need a new battery
Question really is do I buy an original Sony Vaio battery or source it online (another brand/ manufactuer)
- Last time I bought a replacement Vaio charger (previous laptop) it shorted the battery and needed to run off a permanent charge
Thanks for any help/ tips/ suggestions!
Hi Shelly,
Judging from the number of reports on this forum from members that have experienced problems with none Sony batteries, especially thoses that require BIOS alterations, the safe option is a genuine battery.
They don't come cheap but you will usually find reasonably priced genuine batteries on Amazon.