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Monitor ,Text double image.& distortion.


Monitor ,Text double image.& distortion.

Hi I have a VGC-LA2. The wallpaper appears to have what I can ony discribe as a water mark all over it Icons, text(double image) in fact everything is distorted. Apart from that all is working well. Have tried all the obvious solutions. Any suggestions please.


Welcome to ClubVaio Sindee,

Are you working with clear type option activated ?


I'm replying on Sindee's behalf as her IT Support guy (the name's Rog)...

I've been looking at this problem remotely and finding nothing wrong with the graphics, either displayed during LogMeIn sessions or having taken a snapshot of the desktop and emailed the JPG to myself.

Yes it's set for Clear Type; it's running Vista Home at native resolution 1680 x 1050 / 32-bit; the display driver is up-to-date and has been reloaded. The screen fonts are set at 120 dpi, but even when set at standard 96 dpi the problem was still reported as being present.

Finally I asked Sindee to take some digital photos of the screen and I'm going to try to attach two - these show a severe Moire distortion over the whole screen and I can only guess this is a TFT issue (or its driver circuitry, not the graphics engine)? It seems it will have to be sent for repair or written off? Interestingly there's another VGC-LA2 on offer on eBay presently, as spares, with a display defect - is this a known problem?

Thanks in anticipation ...

Using my own computer, I was not able to reproduce the same setup/environment as you did...

I can use 1600 x 768 / 32-Bit - 120 DPI without any problems. Clear Type option Deactivated. Can you give a try ?

Also, take a look on the Device Manager to verify if the drivers are working correctly.

I would like to suggest for you (Sindee) to be in touch with Sony Vaio support. Please, give us the feedback.


Hi Thank you for getting back on this problem. We have tried everything and all drivers appear to be working ok. There have been times when the Clear Type has been deactivated but the distortion on the Monitor has remained the same.
This distortion occurred when the computer was in 'sleep mode' I left a perfectly normal screen- 'woke it up' and there was the distorted screen etc.
This problem first occurred some months ago but I re-booted and it went back to normal and has worked perfectly up to now. The screen itself seems to be the problem.
I will take your advice and call Sony Support tomorrow. I will post the results.
Many thanks............sindee