Share your experience!
I hava a problem with my Vaio. My system won't work, but my fans are spinning and HDD and DVD drive's are starting. I've replaced my motherboard and now my system is online again, but because my new motherboard is not a original P4SD-VL the Vaio revovery DVD and other Vaio software won't work anymore.
These are my questions:
-Where can i get a P4SD-VL motherboard? New or used doesn't matter!!!!! Someone please?
-Can i also use a P4SD-VX motherboard with my current set of software?
-Does anyone kwows an other solution?
Your motherboard is faulty, it is most likely the intel chip on the board.......
Had same problem now ok!
copy and past and replace your board, computer will work fine only recovery disk and vaio update does not work as it is not recognized.
please see my previous posts.......
good luck