I bought my Sony VAIO (VGN-CS11Z\R) a year ago in April 2009. It was working fine until January 2010. Then, suddenly its fan started making noise, which I ignored as this noise stopped by itself after a month or so.
However, now it is shutting down abruptly from 12 June 2010. When I try to switch it on, it shuts down again almost immediately after pressing the power button. Basically, I can hardly switch on my laptop.
I tried to start with only battery and directly with the power supply (no battery), but nothing makes a difference. Since 12 June, I could start the computer only once for 4 hours, and it shut down again.
Could it be the fan? I noticed when last time, I tried to start the machine, I did not hear the fan.
Yesterday, I contacted the VAIO-Link and they told me to run "full hardware diagnostics" and check for if I am able to enter the "BIOS" and send them the results. However, my laptop could hardly run for 7-8 min, and crashed during the "full hardware diagnostics" test. It could only show that in the first step of the test that the CPU "OK".
After the crash, I tried to enter to BIOS. After showing the BIOS, the computer crashed again after 1 or 2 min.
I would highly appreciate if somebody could help me with this annoying issue.
Best regards,