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I tried a Restore Complete System with the 3 disks I created when I first bought VGN-FW11M.
I received errors 320 & 330. I run hardware diagnostics CPU passed, Memmory passed and received HD error
Surface Scan Test E-HDD-004. I run chkdsk /f / r/ on C: X: and the problem persists.
Question 1:
If I do Erase and Wipe all data including Vista will be lost. How can reinstall Vista since there was no OS disk, but only the sticker with the serial of Vista underneath the laptop? Then how the X: Boot partition and C: in HD will be created as original factory settings?
Question 2:
If I buy a new HD how can I reinstall Vista since there was no OS disk, but only the sticker with the serial of Vista underneath the laptop? Then how the X: Boot and C: partition in HD will be created as original factory settings?
Are the 3 disks sufficient for the these 2 questions?
Thank you
Hi e.flocas and welcome.
It sounds like a faulty or damaged hard drive but to check it is not just the Recovery Discs have you tried a complete recovery from the hidden hard drive recovery partition? Try tapping F10 repeatedly when booting the Vaio - when you first see the Vaio Logo.
If the hard drive is damaged and has to be replaced, you should then be able to reinstall the Operating System and Preinstalled Software by using the Recovery Discs you made when you first bought the Vaio.
The 3 discs will reinstall the OS and return your Vaio to 'factory settings'. Using F10 will do the same.
If the discs are damaged, you will need to buy a replacement set from Sony.
Thank you for your answer. Yes I tried at first when I was able to see Vista but I got errors 320 and 330. Vista was working but not as they should be.So I tried the recovery disks for the complete recovery. Right now it says that no OS is present. And when I use Hard Disk Verify and repair C: freezes at 2% and 😧 at 16%. (right now it went to 30%, after many attempts, i will be more patient...than the 24 previous hours and let you know what happened))
So the 3 disks contain Vista and all the necessary options to get back the laptop to original state? by making C:, X:, and boot partitions?
The latest news are that even I managed by hard verify and disk repair through recovery center to get a 100% for C; and D; ok and by cmd running chkdsk /r /f, I still get an error E-HDD-004. I will go for a new disk. Thank you. By the way the left side of the vaio overheats a lot. Any idea to solve it?
The heat problem was solved. A lot of dust was inside although the laptop was 99% on a desk. Another hint for the battery. Since the power cord was always connected to the laptop the battery run dead after 5 years. After I disconnect the power cord the laptop shuts down. So take good care of your battery regarding charging.
I think that the post should be closed.
Message was edited by: e.flocas
Message was edited by: e.flocas
Message was edited by: e.flocas