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I've removed the trial version of McAfee Internet Security from my new Vaio.
Now when I start Microsoft Outlook 2007 I still recive this error message:
The add-in "McAfee Anti-Spam" (c:\program~2\mcafee\msk\mskolplg.ddl) cannot be loaded and has been disabled by Outlook. Please contact the Add-in manufacturer for an update. If not available, please uninstall the Add-in.
I've tried to run the McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR.exe), but It doesn't fix the problem.
Do you have any idea?
Welcome to ClubVaio Gio82,
Did you try to run the Microsoft Office Diagnostics Tool to solve this issue ? (Take a look here... )
On Microsoft Outlook, Menu HELP, sub-option Office Diagnostics.
Yes, I have tried and the diagnostic tool doesn't found any error. I have also tried to reinstall Microsoft Office but It didn't fix the problem...
here... Where? If I click on the link I see the same page that we are reading now.
The link (above) is fixed.
NOW, If the message Cleanup Unsuccessful is displayed, follow the steps below to view and save your MCPR log files for analysis by Technical Support.
Saving troubleshooting logs
1. On the Cleanup Unsuccessful notification dialog, click View Logs.
2. Your troubleshooting logs will open in a Notepad window. Click File, Save As, and save the file to your Desktop. Name the file MCPR_date.txt (for example: MCPR_Jan10_08.txt).
3. Contact McAfee Technical Support and provide the log file to your technician for troubleshooting, here...