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Possible Bug?

Possible Bug?

Good evening.
I've got a problem with the tablet.
The model is:
Android Version:
3.2.1 (relaease2)

It is the following:
When the screen turns off

(It was programmed to shut down after 15 minutes).

Or even if I press the button to turn off the screen, the tablet will not turn on  ...

(it happen 4 times  in 1 month).

I have to press for a while the "Power" button or use a clip to press the "Reset" to reconnect the tablet.

The tablet then connects normally after that.
Doesn't show any anomaly, any error, nothing ..
Operates everything right ...

(Now i  increased the time to 30 minutes just in case).

At the 1st time it happened I did a:

"Replacement Data Factory"

I thought it might be a conflict with some program installed, although I have almost nothing installed from the market ...
But however it happened again ..

I think it is a bug, since the tablet does not present any anomaly while working ...
But I could be wrong ...

Is it bug or hardware problem...

Best regards.

I have seen this issue in the past but for different models. Have you tried updating the display adapter drivers?

How can i do that ?

I go to "about tablet" and i click on update and nothing happens...

If you wiped the Tablet itself and ensured you are on the latest software, I cannot see there being much else that can be done to resolve this. From what you have mentioned, that would be something which may need to be looked at.

I have not actually been able to reproduce this on my Tablet so could be a fault. As to what it is causing it, not 100% sure. Have you tried just having the factory install apps on only? It could be due to a specific app which you may have installed.

See if your supplier is prepared to swap it?

Im going to try without no apps of the market only with factory apps to see  if happens again...

But in part im forced to use 3th apps to acess the files that i have on the external SDCard...

That is one of a few things that im really disappointed with the software that Sony uses on the tablet...

For now i want to test if is some app that makes this happen...

The tablet was purchased online on Sony website.

If i need to deliver the tablet how can i do that?

You got to remember, Sony did not have to include any software if they wished but some of them are nice to have like the social media and the music player. Some companies just give you the basic Google build and let you do what you want. I always look at it as better than nothing. :slight_smile:

As for returning it, I would recommend having a word with the Sony sales division or on your email, they may be contact details from when you placed the order or try using the link below.

Keep us updated on how you get on.

I have configured the screen to turn off after 1 minute since yesterday and the screen shutdown more times since i had the tablet, :smileygrin:  and so far no problem like i had before. Probably its a program that make that happen...

I only used this:

Avast, File Manager HD Free edition, KingSoftOffice and Mercury Free edition.

This is the only apps that i used nothing  more...

One of this apps conflits with the tablet...

On the beninig when i received the tablet i had install this programs and others (not the antivirus) and nothing happened, i can't be shure, but...

Since e decided to use the antivirus it was when the problem started..

I will try without the antivirus..

And thanks for guide me on this Watashiwatesh.


But I am sure this time ...
I thought it could be Avast, but I'm wrong ...
I continued to do some testing with applications but so far nothing wrong ...
However when I insert the email widget
(i had inserted 2 widgets)
and when the screen turns off and when I try to bring the screen on...
The problem appears ...
I removed the email widget and everything is working fine ...
Again I put the email widget, and when I turned off the screen and tried to activate the screen did not activate..
After pressing the button while the tablet restarted but an error appeared:
Application stopped unexpectedly

I removed the email widget, and everything works normally with or without the apps market that had installed ...
I can't have 2 emails widgets....

Message was edited by: Fc1975

Message was edited by: Fc1975