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Tablet S WiFi Resolution


Tablet S WiFi Resolution

Seeing  as the wifi problems have been around for quite a while now, and no real move forward on the side of Sony I propose that they should offer a complete  refund or actually get the damn thing fixed.  Even when next to my router it drops the signal, move away from it and there is virtually no chance of a reliable connection .  Motorola Xoom has no problems  whatsoever with my wifi, neither does my HTC Desire.  Why oh why has Sony let their fantastic name be sullied with this problem .

I am seriously  looking at a refund, and I will probably change my future product brand also.  I was really looking forward  to my Xmas present, only to have my hopes dashed with such shoddy customer relations.  I have not received any rsponse to my complaints. 

Trading standards may need to get involved.  Get it sorted and quick Sony.


Accepted Solutions

hi all, pardon my rant earlier , but this tablet  certainly tried my patience . anyway I now have a solution that I am happy with, that is I no longer have dropouts when connecting . it will not suit everyone but it resolves  my issues. for some reason I have yet to have my wifi dropped when using my htc desire as a hotspot. why it doesnt drop this connection even if my phone is in the other room whereas it dropped it like hot spud with my isp router I do not know. but there you go folks, i am sorted. no more frustration . receiving a good 4mb, sometimes  slightly less with this system so I am happy... make sure you have true all you can eat data though, like I have with 3. off to shop to get the new sensation xe that has dlna capability and also htc do a dlna box to make older tvs dlna compatible . happy days.

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hi all, pardon my rant earlier , but this tablet  certainly tried my patience . anyway I now have a solution that I am happy with, that is I no longer have dropouts when connecting . it will not suit everyone but it resolves  my issues. for some reason I have yet to have my wifi dropped when using my htc desire as a hotspot. why it doesnt drop this connection even if my phone is in the other room whereas it dropped it like hot spud with my isp router I do not know. but there you go folks, i am sorted. no more frustration . receiving a good 4mb, sometimes  slightly less with this system so I am happy... make sure you have true all you can eat data though, like I have with 3. off to shop to get the new sensation xe that has dlna capability and also htc do a dlna box to make older tvs dlna compatible . happy days.