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I'm having touch screen problems. For me the tablet randomly doesn't recognize touches during the below instances. In all cases either going to the home screen and relaunching the app or turning the screen off/on will solve the problem. The problems occur several times per day but not constantly.
While not a bug per se, but the android-buttons seem very picky that you have to hit them right on the spot to work.
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We have started rolling out a new software for Z2 Tablet, version 23.0.1.A.0.167, which has improvements for the touch screen.
Depending on where you bought your tablet, this update may not be available for you yet but please check for updates and update to this version when available.
In my opinion this is the exact same problem that occurs on the Z1, the Z1s and the Z1 Compact phones. Sony knows about that touchscreen issues and reported the issue will be solved with the 4.4.2 KitKat updates. The update did not solve the Problem in any way which leads me to the assumption that Sony is unable to fix this obvious error because it is hardware related.
If you want to take a look at the discussion and how the error looks like on the phones here are the links to the threads of the xperia Z1 phones
Add me to the list, same problem. I do hope this is not a hardware problem and can be fixed by a firmware upgrade.
I have exactly the same issues with my Z2 tablet. But Sony Support has never herd of that. Are they deaf? The whole internet cries about this heavy bug. This was my first Sony device and probably my last. Sorry. The device is very good, nearly perfect. But a touchscreen is elementary for a tablet and it should work without any flaws. If there's no hope on the horizon, I will give it back. I want to hear a clear statement from Sony.
same problem. No answer to my email at sony-support since one week, except an acknowledgment of receipt.
In my opinion most users have the touch problem, but in most cases they can manage it by touching again.
But in some other cases, eg. playing games, it is a bigger problem, when you drive against a wall for example.
To me this is an industry wide problem. Had it on the Nexus 7 2013, the Galaxy S3, Galaxy Tab 2, etc. The worst was the Nexus 7, however!
It appears to happen to me on my new Z2 tablet when I use it on a table or other surface and I only touch with a finger without holding it with the other hand. Grounding issue?