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Settings dark theme should be more useful, security is very good in terms of the dark theme update is very good if this feature is missing !!!
Hi @cakkıdı!
If you are asking for a dark mode, this is currently not available in Xperia devices running Android Pie.
We cannot comment on plans to implement Dark mode in the future. However, individual third-party apps can still support Dark mode.
I'll make sure to forward your feedback though and I hope that answers your question!
Lineage Pie does it just fine, why not sony?
And how about real double-tap-to-wake (like linage has for past 3 android versions) not just upon ambient awakening?
Hi @brian943, welcome to our forum!
I don't know exactly why some features not added, however I would be very happy to have both the options available to me and I will make sure to forward your feedback regarding the missing features.
Thank you!
See if you can find out why. People would be very curious to know.
Hi @thesonykid,
I replied to your other post that you made in the Xperia XZ3 board, please have a look at that reply!
Please release atleast a new theme which can provide Dark Mode including settings, contacts etc. All other brands providing this features to their customers except Sony.
Sony left India and We do not have any other options to buy new models as well. So please provide a solution instead of sending some useless feedback. Also please bring back sony mobile to India !
The phone has gone end of life.
Why are you requesting something you know won't be done?