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Problems after Android 10 Update Xperia XZ3


Problems after Android 10 Update Xperia XZ3

I have huge and several problems with my phone (XZ3) after the latest Android 10 update.

-Lag, delay and slow working apps. Also between switching and opening apps.

-closing apps by itself

- clock and alarm is not working right. After sliding "turn off" it still starts ringing again.

Is there any solution to fix these problems? 


I hope that Sony would fix it soon because the device has such a good screen that it has affected so much from an upgrade supposed to actually upgrade some things. By the way finger print scanner still slower and unresponsive than previous version of android even if i run the companion app software repair.


DON'T follow the the menu when restoring from Google Backup!!! Software is buggy and you will not get your apsps installed. skip the restore and start it AFTER signing in to your Google account!

Worsest Update ever! I Think i will switch to a custom ROM

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Still problems with it , anyone to fix this problem from sony ? İs that it ? Here u have android 10 and deal with it ? 

İf this wont fix it  then this is my last sony.. 


I hav same problems as you. 

My temporary fix was disabling auto rotate in the drop down menu. Severe differens in lag and apps stop responding. 


I want my android 9 so bad. 10 wasn't what I hoped for. It's 8.30am and I fell sleep because my alarm didn't snooze after alarm.

I hope they fix it otherwise I have think about flashing back to 9



Backup your device, factory reset and then a fresh install solves the problem. But all apps and data is lost. But for restore don't use the one in the set up phase. First sign in with your Google account and then restore. With the first method you will only get 10 apps installed. With the second you will get nearly all apps back. And for most of them the configuration too



I took the risk and upgraded my xz3 and got similar problems, I noticed the main problem is in the Google Play Store, and after searching and trying, I uninstalled Play Store update and problems are gone.


1- Go to Settings ->

2- Apps & notifications ->

3- Click  SEE ALL ->

4- Search and click (Google Play Store) ->

5- Click the 3 dots in the upper-right corner ->

6- Click uninstall updates ->

7- Optionally:  clear storage and cache and enable Mobile Data -> Unrestricted data usage

hope this help others

Have a nice times


Hi, I bought xz3 like a present for my wife :))

And now after update is not the same phone. What a present... The last one from Sony. Am going to try companion today...


Registered to share my experience and also I hope this will get fixed soon. 

Made a "back up" and repaired via the Sony software, because the problems where too much to handle. 

My complaints after the update:

- I dont see active NFC in the taskbar anymore

- videos shut down randomly

- voip app doesnt show a call screen anymore

-  I cant download pictures anymore

- Bad response on fingerprint reader

- low quality Youtube videos via Google Chrome

- very slow response overall

After reinstalling and restoring the backup only files got restored not the apps. Overall a little bit faster but still no NFC in top bar, voip call screen not there, bad responding fingerprint scanner. 

I really hope this will get updated soon! Cause I overall enjoy this phone a lot!

Someone released this update way too early without testing properly Slightly_frowning_Face


Worse is, that nobody from Sony is responding 🤔 Seems like they are not interested in customer services and satisfaction. 

Hotline Support in Germany is only during business hours, so I've send them a mail. 

Answer will be posted here. 

Anybody has also problems with voice messages in WhatsApp?