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My Xperia XZ3 seems not working with Netflix application at all.
When tap to start the application, it occurs an error message of (-1001).
I've checked up the message explanation, seems that there is problem of my internet connectivity..
So, I changed my connection through different Wi-Fi, LTE or 3G+.
But it still popping out the same message as before eventhough I've clear all the memories and reinstall several time.
Is there any solutions or ideas to this problem? Thanks!
OS: Android 9 Pie
Dual-sim usage: only one is inserted with LTE sim card
Is there any one got a clue??
I have the same problem with my XZ3.. Same message, I feel if I can totally get it off my phone and reinstall it it be fine but I can only Disable it! Netflix was one of the things I was looking forward to expecially with the vibration mode but alas not to to be (Yet) Any further information would be greatly appreciated 👍
Strange indeed.
It is present on the device and on playstore there is this message: this app is no longer compatible with your device.
Why people from official won't come out and reply to this problem???
This is 3rd party app issue and you should write "" , the all issue is about update
I did it. They can't do anything, sice the original app can't be uninstalled.
So, no Netflix on my phone for over a year. :-S