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XZ3 after android 10 update camera does not start and fingerprint scanner is much worse


XZ3 after android 10 update camera does not start and fingerprint scanner is much worse

The camera app will not go past the start menu, when it asks for the location permission and even if you click everything it starts over. I cannot use the camera now at all.

Also the fingerprint sensor worked flawlessly before the update now it is really bad. Sometimes it does not unlock the device at all and other times it is really slow (like 3 seconds slow to unlock the device).

This is really annoying and it is hard to use the device now.



My phones camera has stopped working. 

It displays an error message 

Error Unknown Error

I have followed rebooting putting it in safe mode and even put it back in manufacture settings with no luck. I don't really wish to take my phone into a store to have it repaired and would be my last option. Is there anything else I can try? 


Yes I have this problem too, it will work once or twice every month after messing with settings but can't figure out what it is, I've been on many forums and many people are suffering the same, it's not hardware as like I said once or twice after tinkering I'll get it back, but Sony haven't recognised or won't, I've safe mode it and still no clue, I really don't think there will be a fix for it as its never been addressed 


Selamat malam saya ucakap Kan maaf saya terlambat membal as chet Anda saya faam dengan masalah yang Anda miliki baik LA pertama Anda perlu mergaturkannye keaturan kilang semua. Dan selepas itu terjadi masalah yang Sama Anda perlu melihat butang on. Dan off adaka inyeberfunsi dengam baik.. Yang akhir update software anda melalui Sony Xperia servis untuk keterangan lanjut Dan lihat beteny Anda adaka inye brefonsi dengan baik.. Setiap masalah pasti dapat di selesai Kan bersabah LA saya sentiasa member Padangan kepada Anda semuanye sekian terima kasih.. 

Good night I tell you I'm sorry I'm late for your chet as I agree with the problem you had with the first LA you need to make it all the factory. And after that same problem you have to see the on button. And off you go it really cool .. Lastly update your software through Sony Xperia service for more info And see how good you are inye brefonsi .. Every problem can be solved ..



My camera is OK, but the fingerprint sensor is not good at all, same problem. I hope it will be fixed in the next update. 


I managed to repair the software via PC Companion and the camera now works after 3 factory resets. The fingerprint sensor however is still a problem. It looks like it isn't always on standby and is sometimes off and in that case I have to first press the power button and the unlock with the sensor. I also hope this gets fixed with an update soon.


no problems with camera here, but fingerprint sensors is way worse than before the update. not reacting at all or with annoying noticeable lag. mainly to wake up screen after not using for a while. pressing power indeed seems to wake the sensor up. Unamused_Face


I have two sony. The Xperia xz2 and the xz3 ... and both phones had the Android 10 update the same day. since this update both phones have the problem of fingerprint recognition when the phone is in standby mode. on the xz3 I also sometimes freeze and I have to restart the phone with the stop button on power and volume + .. ..hope a quick update will come out ..especially that we were not entitled to a full update from sony with the absence of gestures like those on Google mobile.