The other person can hear echo


The other person can hear echo

Hello. Xperia z5 after the fall was in the shop. After changing the display during a conversation, the interlocutors can hear its echo. Passed in repair, but the problem was not solved. In service do not want to take very long. Please tell me the possible cause of the defect.


Previously you stated that the option was removed.  If it is removed how do you troublshoot it?   It should not take WEEKS to get a reply.  You can't possibly be the only person from Sony who answes these threads.  I was not referring to the product being made in Japan,I was referring to the customer service, or lack thereof, in this case.  They as a Japanese companyw respect their customers much more than you do.  I hope your manager reads your responses to customers!


Hi again!

Since it has been removed, there is other troubleshooting steps, such as the ones I have posted in this thread to other users.

If you could also answer the question that I asked you about, that would be very helpful, since I don't know if this only occurs when you are using Bluetooth and with different Bluetooth accessories, or if it a common behaviour even when you are making calls without using Bluetooth.

I understand that I answered very slowly since I was on vacation and in most markets there is a Local support team that you can contact via phone, chat or Email if you prefer that instead.

The most important part for me to know now is if it occurs only when using Bluetooth, or if occurs when making a phone call with the phone at your ear.

Thank you!



Then I will join this thread. I have the echo problem on remote side of all voice calls in an Xperia XZ1 after a screen repair. With a bluetooth mic there is no problem. Please help me understand how I can fix it! Slightly_smiling_Face BR Ola


The only way there was to fix this has been removed as a setting.  I tried forever to get an answer and when they finally replied it wasn't a fix.  My solution was I had to buy a new phone.  Good luck with the help from Don't on this thread.  Worthless


Hi @KarateOla, sorry to hear that.

If it started directly after a screen repair, it sounds like something went wrong with the repair and perhaps everything was not put together as it should have.

There are not really any settings in the device as the noise suppression will always be enabled by default, and there is no setting to remove it.

You can try with a different SIM card or change the network type (Settings > Network and Internet > Mobile network > Preferred network type), but if it worked fine before the repair, it sounds more like the repair wasn't done properly.



Yes, I think you are right! The repair went wrong, but the repair store is no longer there, so I've opened up the screen myself and tried to see if anything was missing. So my question is, what changable hardware could be not working correct? All tests in the service menu is OK. When I'm holding the screen an inch from the phone (phone is on) there is no echo, but when the screen is back on the phone, the echo starts again. (I've now added some light foam over the mic, but the foam from the beginning was removed at first repairment).

BR Ola