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Android TV 1 (very) poor Network performance

Android TV 1 (very) poor Network performance

Hi guys,

just a new thread to tell you guys how I am disappointed (sort of) with my new Android TV from Sony KD65XD9305.

I just bought this TV with a pretty great discount (2000€) and picture quality is very good.

For Android TV, I find it stable and fine. The main reason I chose Sony was for Android TV (I didn't wanted WebOS or Tizen).

So as I use the TV ONLY with network stored media, I plugged the Ethernet cable to get something reliable and fast...

HORROR !!! Ethernet port is not Gigabit... Sony are you kidding me ??? How do you plan to stream 4K HDR content to the TV with 100 Mb link ???

Let's do some math : Movie 2h00 / 63 GB = 64512MB to send to TV in 2 Hr so / 7200 = 9 Mb /s we are pretty close of the max we can output on 100mb network so as the bitrate is variable and some actions scene require much more of it you get bad picture lag and audio drop in half of the movie.

To confirm that it was not decoding problem, I putted the file on an external HDD plugged directly into the TV and had no problem at all.

So I wrote you a mail Sony, to explain that to you... 1 week later I got a person with no knowledge whatever who told me that I needed to run a speedtest because it was my internet (WAN) connection that was slow.


Just LOL ^^

I told myself that I was doomed.

So I search again and discovered that the Onboard wifi was 5 Ghz AC compatible. Maybe a way out.

So I droped my Cisco Meraki 300N Wifi and I got a TPLink Archer C7 C1750 (so it meens 900 Mb theorical on AC 5 Ghz)

It could have solved my bandwith problem on local network !!!

And guess what... it didn't because I think wifi chip or driver or ??? is total crap...

The TV is at less than 1 meter of the access point (no wall...), connected at 5 Ghz and I can't get download bandwith to a minimum of 100 Mb (a joke).

If I do the same test from the same spot with the same app at the same time on the same wifi of the same network with my phone (Google Nexus 6P) I get approx 230 mb of bandwith.


Screen cap are just at the bottom

What do you want to answer to that ???

So your Smart TV of 2016 is just to slow to play a 4k movie of 2016 (I tried Mad Max and Deadpool) on local network (no matter how good network connection is, I have full gigabit network at home).

So now my very precise question : Do you plan to adress this problem Seriously upgrading Wifi driver / firmware to get real fast connexion (as I am sure you cannot upgrade wired card to gigabit with software upgrade) ?

I am available if you need more statistics and / or informations with the test environment.


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I already tested bandwidth between my NAS and the Sony TV (ATV1) by using the jellyfish encodes. I found sustainable bitrate to be at around 90mbps.


I now sideloaded the WiFi Speed Test APK on my Sony TV and the corresponding TCP/UDP server on the NAS. It gave me exactly the same result... ~90mbps.


My NAS is connected via GBit Ethernet to the Access Point which is connected to the Sony TV via 802.11ac.



Having the same problems and even have 500mbit download and 500mbit upload on the cable tested and well. 

Now thanks to you I found out it's the hardware of the tv which is very dissapointing from sony.  Did you try that UsB ethernet adapter already? We need to figure out what works as sony doesnt.!

So guys,


I got a new call from customer support yesterday.


This time I managed to pick it up.


The person told me that they tried to contact me several times, I told her that I did the same then she told me that the representatives are not always available (but as a client I should be ???)


Nevermind, she ask me if the problem was still actual and I told her yes.


Guess what she told me thatttttttttt.... the problem was with my internet connection !!!!


Holy s**** so I re re re re explained that the problem was on my local LAN and that I had performed several tests.


Then she told me that there is no known problem on this TV on Sony side (I guess nobody read that thread at sony)


I told her I tested 2 AP on 2 techno N and AC on both frequencies but I don't think she understood a thing.


Anyway, next proposal, don't worry next update is gonna fix everything lol whhhaaatttt ?


I told her that it was good that she spoke of next update because Sony promised it to us month ago and we are still waiting and we have nothing.


I also told her that the next update wasn't gonna solve this Wifi problem because ingeneers / developpers needed to work on firmware / driver of the wifi chip maybe with the manufacturer to get it working correctly.


She told me to wait and I told her I don't want the case to be close until it is resolved and she told me she can't let it open for a long time so I told her that I am not happy at all of the service and support and she told me to contact an other service specialized in TVs.


Long story short, for now this case isn't going anywhere

As I already wrote elsewhere, these are the three answers every customer has to go through when contacting Sony support:

- perform a factory reset (it hardly ever helps)

- next FW will fix everything (it never does)

- everything is well within specification

It is pointless. The only chance we have for things to get better is by making the issues as public as we can.



What is strange though is that you only get 40mbps and I get 90mbps on the same hardware platform. It is still far from common 802.11ac speeds though.

Yes I saw the difference between our results maybe the orintation of antennas... we don't know how they are placed in the tv, the lenght they have.


My TV is hanged on the wall so maybe part of the problem is here (design flaw like Iphone antennagate back in his time)


Anyway with AC 866mb we can expect a good 250/300 real bandwith at 1/2 meters without walls and I am far from it !

When I google for fast upload and slow download, I often find the advice to disable QoS/WMM in the router/AP.

I will try to find this option in the Archer but I don't have lot of hope because when I configured it I tried to setup it as dumb as possible so I disabled pretty everything in it. But worth the look.


Also my phone is performing well on both download and upload on the same AP and pretty much same time (not the same because it would split bandwith)

On the Archer it can be found under Wireless > Wireless Advanced. The option is called Enable WMM and is enabled by default

OK so did some more testing (again because Sony is not gonna do it)


So tried to disable WMM in the archer and it got worst !


So I decided to think BIG and I just downgraded the Archer using TFTP and a recovery image and flash a OpenWRT all over it !


So now I have a fresh new alternative Open Source firmware on my AP anddddddddd no better !!!!


I tweaked everything again. I am in master mode for wifi which allows me to beam at power that will grill a steak badly (23 dBm and 199mW of power) for example france max allowed is 20 dBm and 100mW (it was for testing and I am obviously limiting it down soon because I don't want to get brain cancer because Sony won't provide proper wifi)


For the channel I can now go up to 165 (48 with stock firmware) that makes 5825 Mhz and channel width of 160 Mhz.


I tried different combinations but Wifi won't go up 65 mbps download speed.


So what now 😉 ?

Datarate increased from 90mbps to 120mbps for me with the Marshmallow update which is still far from common AC speeds though.