Audio dropouts during streaming X75F

Audio dropouts during streaming X75F

Hi I’m having a frustrating time with my X75F. When I stream ftom either Netflix of google play, I get frequent dropouts in the soundtrack. It seems to be restricted to Dolby Digital + tracks.


Does anyone have a solution?


Hi @Mogin1,


Welcome to the Sony Community! Would you please be able to tell us:

  • what brand and type of audio device are you using in conjunction with your TV to playback audio? Also include which output/input you are using on both devices.
  • is the issue intermittent or does it occur every time you are viewing content?
  • how long do these drop-outs last on average?
  • has the issue been there since day one when you purchased the TV or has it started recently?

Please also include the following information:

  • the firmware revision of your TV. Press the [HELP] button on the remote to display this.
  • the current version of your Netflix app and Google Play Movies & TV app.
  • list all the devices you have currently connected to the HDMI inputs of your TV. You might as well, disconnect all of them and verify if that influences your audio drop-out issue.

Note that in some scenarios, some third party apps could induce abnormal behaviour on the audio processing done by the TV. In such cases, the problem is easily solved by restarting the TV. You can find instructions on how to properly power cycle your TV (soft reset) on this article.


Keep us posted on the matter!




Hi this happens when streaming from the Sony X75F across a certified HDMI

cable, using ARC to a Denon avr x4400 with any kind of Dolby Dogital Plus format (ie atmos).


No other sources are involved. Netflix and TV updated recently but doubt Netflix is the issue as it happens with Google Play too.


the drop outs last about half a second. Sometimes longer. When it happens the receiver tells me all audio channels actually cut out.But when I rewind, the dropouts happens in exactly the same place 2/3 of three times. Ie I have to rewind it several times before I get to hear what I missed.


Streaming from other devices does not cause the same problem.

Please answer the following questions too, as we need more information to understand what could be the problem.


  • has the issue been there since day one when you purchased the TV or has it started recently?
  • what is the full model number and firmware revision of your TV. Press the [HELP] button on the remote to display this.
  • what is the current version of your Netflix app and Google Play Movies & TV app.
  • list all the devices you have currently connected to the HDMI inputs of your TV.
  • does the issue happen only on [HDR + Dolby Atmos] titles of Netflix? Since AFAIK Google Play Movies & TV doesn't support [HDR + Dolby Atmos] titles yet, so which titles triggers the issue there?
  • could you perhaps post a link to your certified HDMI cable used between the TV and AVR?

Try the following steps before replying with the answers above and verify if that influences your audio drop-out issue.:

  1. disconnect all of the HDMI devices currently connected to your AVR except the TV
  2. undo all cable management or cable binding you have done to the HDMI ARC cable, and let it run as freely as possible from all other type of cables
  3. turn off the HDMI CEC feature on the TV and the AVR
  4. Audio settings are coupled to the source type on the TV. So open Netflix, then open from the Action Menu, the [Sound] settings. Then verify the following settings:
    [Sound Apps (Video)] > [ClearAudio+] > [Disabled]
    [Sound Apps (Video)]  > [Advanced Settings] > [Input Related] > [Dolby Dynamic Range] > [Standard]
    [Sound Apps (Video)]  > [Advanced Settings] > [Input Related] > [Dolby Dynamic Range] > [Dolby Digital Plus output] > [Dolby Digital Plus]

Double check that the last option mentioned above is set to Dolby Digital Plus and not to Dolby Digital Pulse.


Report back your results and we will take it from there. It won't be a bad idea if you contact DENON support as well, since they are way more familiar with audio-based issues specific to their products.




I’m not near the TV now. I’ll look tonight when I get back.


only other devices are fetch tv which transmits 4K (but not hdr) and Dolby digital fine but not Dolby digital plus. Connected to a receiver.


xbox one x which transmits a full 4k uhd signal plus 7.1.2 Atmos (ie Dolby digital plus), again through the receiver.


Only issue is streaming from Google Play or Netflix, using Dolby Digital Plus. It’s not Atmos specific, Atmos can’t exist on Dolby Digital, it has to be plus. Predictable it affects everything on Netflix because the issue is DD+ not DD. I can prove that tonight by switching TV output from DD+ to DD.


The problem started happening when I got the new receiver and statutes using DD+. On balance, given that other sources behave when plugged into the receiver and the only thing that misbehaves is TV ARC DD+, it’s more likely to be a TV problem, especially when these problems were documented by people last year.


I don’t have a link to cable, bought in a shop. It’s braided and pretty tanklike.

Also, thanks for your settings suggestions, I’ll give them a go tonight.

Bad cable and/or cable management. 

Thanks though.

Glad to hear you are all sorted. And thanks for taking time and getting back to us.


Hi I’m having the same problem as yourself I have always owned Samsung tv and no problem installing apps and great sound I purchased the x85 and it’s so frustrating wene it’s conacted to Netflix through the tv app atoms always cuts out for about half a second I’m using a Denon 4400 this only happens from the android tv app I have tried atoms on my Xbox one works perfect and Dolby digital on my amazon fire works perfect i have tried different HDMI cables thinking maybe didn’t support atoms this didn’t work if I look closely at the Denon you can see it flicker wene this happens .if you have any ideas on getting round this I’d luv to hear it . I’m thinking of buying a minix u9 box apparently this plays all sounds with out breakup .

Hi @Bigalan105,


Welcome to the Sony Online Community!


The issue you are describing is either due to the HDMI cable between your TV and receiver, or due to the TV/receiver itself.


Our first suggestion is to undo all cable management or cable binding you have done to the HDMI ARC cable, and let it run as freely as possible from all other type of cables.


Secondly, please post a link to the Certified High Speed with Ethernet HDMI cable you are currently using. Note that the price or brand of a cable does not have any correlation with its certification. This means that there is no guarantee that pricey cables can be considered to have adequate shielding against EMI emissions. As long as you are using a non-certified cable, trying to solve the problem is mostly useless.


Keep us posted!

