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Some Netflix shows won't play in 4K

Some Netflix shows won't play in 4K

I have a weird problem that I've been trying to solve since november. I bought my 65X850c last spring and it worked perfectly for like six months. Then all of a sudden Netflix won't play a lot of the shows in 4K. Some work just fine. For example Stranger Things plays fine every time, while Luke Cage only plays in 1080p. Doesn't matter how long I play it, it never reaches 4K. It starts at 480, goes up to 720, down to 480 again and then upp to 720 and finally reaches 1080p after about two minutes. I can switch between the two shows back and forth and it's allways the same. These two are just examples. My estimate is that like 60-70 percent of the programs are not playing in 4K.


Netflix says my broadband is "unstable". But my isp have done an extensive check and says there's nothing wrong. That conclusions is backed up by the fact that I have no other problems with my internet, Amazon and Youtube plays 4K just fine. And I get like 70-90 mbit/s at Speedtest everytime. Plus I have fiber, and even connected the tv straight to the fiber socket.

Factory reset didn't work. I even got a new tv from Sony (had other problems too) but no luck.

I feel I have done everything I can. 

Anyone else with this problem?

Or maybe someone has an idea of what could be causing this?

One thought is that since Netflix says my internet is unstable, when it clearly isn't, could it be that a bug in the Netflix app somehow messes with my connection?



Hi there



Your download speed is more than enough for their stream. And you say that Youtube and Amazon are displaying 4K correctly. It is most likely an issue with Netflix, the app, their algorithm, their servers or something else.

Hopefully the new Android version will bring better optimization and maybe fix this issue. If it doesn't get fixed I suggest contacting Sony or Netflix for further assistance.



Yes, the the overall speed is not the problem. Netflix says that the speed occasionally drops down to like 17 mbit/s, which is too low for 4K, and that this is what causes the app to play the content in 1080p.

But that doesn't make sense since I can switch between to programs, back and forth like ten times, and one is played in 4K and the other in 1080p.


So there has to be something wrong with the app itself. But if that's the case, why doesn't anybody else who owns this tv have the same problem? 


But like you said: Hopefully the next update will fix it.