SONY XH85 series question...

SONY XH85 series question...


I'm toying with the idea of switching my 2018 set, the KD-43XF8505 for it's new sibling, the KD-43XH8505 (, but after issues with compatibility, firmware, etc, with my current set, I want to be double sure before I take the plunge.....again!


Hoping there are early adopters/tech wizards here who can help me out with a few questions:


  1. Does the ARC channel now support Atmos passthrough from all connected devices (Bluray UHD player, etc) as well as installed tv apps such as Netflix, Disney+ and Plex (I believe it is now a fully fledged eARC port)? I have a Sony ZF9 soundbar with the rear speakers and its a cracking piece of kit if I can get it to play the right sound input. I want to be able to push any tv connected devices/tv app audio to the soundbar in its untouched state.
  2. Does the Apple Homekit/Airplay functionality work out of the box on these 2020 tvs, or is this another of Sony's promises that we may see in an update 18 months down the line?
  3. Are there any rumblings of the Sony sets getting the Apple TV+ app anywhere down the line? Not much on there, but I have it, so it would be nice to use it natively rather than through airplay?

And finally, SONY PLEASE think of us customers who have screen size restricted by space! I logistically can't go any larger than a 43" screen, but would love a full array LED or, heaven forbid, an OLED screen at that size!  


Any help would be much appreciated as I'm a little tentative about taking the plunge after being burnt before!

Many thanks!



Hi @neilwatts13   There are cheaper options with better results. Connect your Atmos device(s) direct to the HT-ZF9 and buy yourself an Apple TV and connect that to the other HT-ZF9 input. I have this setup myself. In my opinion Netflix etc. on the Apple TV is by far superior.

Thanks for the reply @LightFoot 

I actually did own an Apple TV but couldn't get on with it. I had loads of issues with the screen blacking out and sound loss when connected to the ZF9 and just prefer the ease of use of just turning the TV on to do everything (easier for the kids with Netflix/Disney+ too).... one less remote to manage when I also have a PS4 Pro, Virgin Tivo, ZF9 and Sony UHD Bluray player hooked up to it too.   :wink: