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Tearing my hair out now - Dolby Vision on HDMI3 on AF8


Tearing my hair out now - Dolby Vision on HDMI3 on AF8

Ok so I had a bit of a nightmare trying to get Dolby Vision up and running on my AF8 TV.

I have a NVidia Shield attached via a Marantz receiver to the TV.

The Shield can output Dolby Vision but I could only get it to work on HDMI 2 input on the TV.

HDMI3 (which is the preferred input due to ARC) was giving me sparkles on screen and picture drop outs.


I even bought a new AV receiver thinking that was the problem.


Anyway - a software upgrade of the TV seemed to fix this and I closed and open ticket I had with Sony.


Tonight - the issue has re-appeared.

Screen is unwatchable using Dolbyvision on HDMI3 - thousands of ‘sparkles’ on screen.

Switch to HDMI 2 and its fine.


I am gutted this has re-appeared as I thought it was resolved. Any clues out there?


Video of whats happening - choose 1080p quality to see it properly


11 minutes.

*thats* how long it took you and thats the best you could come up with?


Sell yer maw.



No call for any of that 😢


Can we get back to looking at this objectively?


An ARC or eARC HDMI input should be a superset of any other HDMI input, just adding the (e)ARC capability, but not losing anything else.


In fact, it should be the very best HDMI input, or at least as good as any, as it has to be able to handle anything that a very capable AVR can provide, at least up to the maximum capabilities of the TV.


And @Mchaggis69 has already gone the second mile by dropping the AVR out of the equation, as good diagnostic practice demands.


So there shouldn’t be anything that works satisfactorily in HDMI 1 or 2, but not in HDMI 3, and if there is something, like this Android Shield, that works OK in 1 or 2, but sparkles in 3, then the TV is faulty in some way (hopefully only in fixable software) and using 1 or 2 to get over this is a workaround.


@Mchaggis69 is though, not restricted to having to use Optical for audio out; were he to use HDMI 1 or 2, the audio for any device connected to these ports can perfectly well go out over (e)ARC. And this would make using 1 or 2 as a workaround for now less inconvenient.


But he is quite right to say this is just a workaround; and Sony need to fix whatever is going wrong with HDMI 3 as an input here.


Apropos of which, the mechanism of the failure seems to be pretty clear; factory reset the TV, or maybe just hard reset it, and the software on the ARC input works OK; later, it goes wrong. Which indicates that one or more variables are being corrupted or mis-set as the software runs, and this survives, causing the input to persistently misbehave until a further reset.


That this only happens on the ARC input, apparently, may help to narrow down Sony’s search for the problem.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thanks RoyalBrown2


Theres loads of ways to get this to work - apologies I wasn't suggesting using optical was the only way - it was just a workaround I had applied while fiddling to try and get it all working until HDMI3 was fixed.


Thanks for your support though. There's place on the forums to disagree. Theres no place for the kind of daft abuse dished out.


You seem to have summarised the position very well. Thanks.

OK @JtR1888 


A couple of small questions then, for your objective self (hopefully still active here) to answer:-


If ARC is only needed for audio coming from the TV, then why, in this case of Shield-> AVR-> HDMI3, or even Shield-> HDMI 3, would @Mchaggis69 need ARC turned on?


And what do you mean by ‘passthrough’ here?


Is this the AVR setting that lets the signal from the Shield go through the AVR to the TV even when the AVR is in standby? Or something that determines how the AVR handles the input from the Shield? Neither of which would apply when @Mchaggis69 plugs the Shield directly into HDMI 3, as he has done, and still encountered the sparkles?

Or is it some relevant setting on the HDMI 3 Input that I can’t find any Sony description of?




My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…


Glad to see the mods deleting all the abuse.


“The issue with Passthrough, now, this could be Sony related, but I have seen on other TVs, is that it can try and take the sound from the AVR (from Shield to AVR, AVR to TV) and then return it back to AVR, thus creating "noise"



There are two issues with this response and the targeted abuse that somehow I’m to blame here...


1 - ARC shouldnt work like that. If there is noise then its a Sony issue to fix

2 - Why does the ‘noise’ only occur after a period of days and soft reboots of the TV, fixed with a hard-reboot? Thats still a Sony problem.


3 issues actually. The AVR doesnt pass any audio from external sources via hdmi to the TV (why would it). The only thing it passes via hdmi to the TV is video and hdmi control signals.


4 if you add on that taking the AVR out of the equation entirely doesnt change a thing. Shield to TV directly on HDMI3 shows the same symptoms.


Personally I think we can discount ARC as being the course of ‘noise’ in this case. If it is, then its a Sony issue to resolve.




You see that, yes?
Community Team

Hi Mchaggis69 , what's the software version on your TV now? Did you try the factory reset? Did it make any difference? Did you try the Apple box? Let's move on guys and focus on the main issue here.

Hi Hannah,


firmware 6.7140

Factory resets didn't help.


The issue has only re-appeared once (about 4 days ago) since resetting the TV cache. Was watching some programmes on Amazon Prime (installed on my Nvidia Shield) in DV when the picture went completely sparkly and a message popped up saying the HDMI cables were not capable (they are high end 8k cables). When I quit the App, the Shield menu was also sparkly so I switched DV off. Next morning when I intended to try the Apple box, I enabled DV on the Shield and it was back fine again.


So the answer is no, I haven't been able to try an Apple TV box yet at the same time as the Shield is causing problems. I will come back to this thread when and if I can do that.


I still have an open ticket with Sony but haven't heard from them since it was escalated.


Thanks for chipping in.

Here is Sony's solution to my problem (after weeks of waiting) -

Thank you for contacting Sony support.
With reference to your enquiry regarding your Sony TV, please contact the point of sale as the warranty maybe be provided from their side.


So £2,800 spent on a TV in November 2018 and this is it.

I'm old enough to know that Currys (the retailer) will argue with me for months that I am out of warranty. I'm old enough to know I have statutory rights and I can try and force them to do something as the fault was obviously inherent at the point of sale. I'm old enough to know this will all take time, hassle and annoyance. Given all the other faults with this TV I have to say I've lost a bit of confidence in it and its unlikely Currys will simply hand me over a new one or give me a full refund.


Anyway - nice of Sony to effectively say - 'Not our problem Guv'...





No sooner had I sent the previous post when *another* email comes in from Sony -


With reference to your enquiry regarding your Sony TV, please ignore the latest email from our side and we are sorry for our mistake.
Please note that our engineers are now working on your case and we will update you as soon as possible.



I suppose I should be thankful they are still looking into it.