
Wifi hangs up!

Hi there,

The wifi and charge hangs on my xperia mobile. What happens is, when I connect to wifi at home it works perfectly well, but when i reach to my work place and want to switch to my workplace wifi; the mobile doesnt get rid of my home wifi, it doesnt even forget it (connection hangs) thus not recognizing the new connection. I had to then shut it down and restart it. It is irretating everytime to get a connection. It also then hangs up frequently with the wifi and I have to again remind it by shutting it down.

Sometimes same thing happens with the charge. While it is on charge, it doesnt show me the exact charge done unless i shut it down and restart.

Just hoping that help is on the way.


Thanks, this helped me well. My mobile has not hanged up since morning as I updated it last night. Hope this continues.

It also re-newed my application and gave a whole new look to my mobile. Recommeding it for all!!! Slightly_smiling_Face