Why has sync stopped working?


Why has sync stopped working?

I'm very close to recycling my Sony PRS-350 ebook reader. It has become unuseable, because it no longer works with ADE, or Sony reader.

It was fine until a couple of months ago, when Adobe updated ADE to version 2. Since then ADE has rejected all downloaded, DRM protected, books with 'no record for this loan exists on this device.

I therefore installed Sony Reader, which I've always found to be useless. The newest version is also useless. It just stops working 97% of the way through synchronising.

I've fought with this rubbish for over two years, but I'm just about ready to give up and buy a different brand. Why is Reader so useless? Don't Sony's software engineers test their software, before unleashing it on their users?


Yes I have done complete resets of the PRS-350 and reinstalled all software at least twice.

Can anyone give me one good reason to persevere with Sony?

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Could the problem be a corrupted file ?I have heard some weird things caused by these benighted productions.

I must say I've been fortunate enough to have never had any problems with any of my Sony devices - well, none that I couldn't manage to sort out with the help of tech-friendly son/here/ or on-line manuals etc...

Worth a try with Sony I'd've thought ?