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CMT-G2BNiP - Music services vtuner not working since last 3 days.


CMT-G2BNiP - Music services vtuner not working since last 3 days.


hi all, I have CMT-G2BNiP  and been using it since last 6 months without any issues. From 5th of july i am facing a problem with connectiing to vtuner via the music services menu. It just gives the message  cannot connect.

i have checked the wifi connections and it all works fine. i can even do airplay from my ipad. It is just the music services (only vtuner) that has gone down.


Any one else facing this issue? Any help appreciated.


Note; i live in the UK so not sure if thre is any issue with UK servers/DB of vtuner/sony





Accepted Solutions


See my solution here:

Dumb as hell, but found it myself by chance....


View solution in original post

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See my solution here:

Dumb as hell, but found it myself by chance....


Tags (1)



I have the same problem as you had last year, However, your solution does not help me very much. My router has had a reset, without any result. I also have done many resets to my Sony CMT-G2BNiP, but still I get the message "cannot connect" when I start up vTuner.


Is your Sony still working correctly since?

Do you have any other solutions for me?


Thanks for your reaction.




My SANS device is having problems too. We need more people to make a noise about this. I understand that things break down from time to time but feedback has been terrible from Sony and Vtuner. I have tried all the usual fixes and today got a message saying the service had been taken offline. It isn't a technical fault with any of our equipment. So, Sony or Vtuner - please inform us what is going on. 


Yes I'm having the same issue. I reset factory settings so have lost all pre set stations. The whole point of buying in July14 this micro hi fi system was the internet dab station access. I could have purchased much cheaper brand. I contacted the help desk yesturday & had to complete a questionaire. At no time did they say they had taken down the access. I had spent several hours trying to resolve, this is shocking. I have lots of sony products so I expect them to sort this issue now.


I received an answer from the customer-service of SONY yesterday in wich
they told me, that the know from the problems with the vTuner because of
server-problems. "We are working on it, and expect that it will be solved
in short time" they said.

Today I sent them an other email to ask how long it still takes.

I am witout a working vTuner since last friday.

I also bought this equipment because of the built-in internetradio.

A big company like Sony should be able to solve this problem much quicker!

Hoping for better connections in short time.


I'm so glad I found this post! I thought I was the only one... I have a different hi-fi (the Sony CMT-MX750Ni) but having exactly the same issue. Presets are all "cannot play" and the vTuner menu is "cannot connect".


It was fine on Friday morning (5th Sept), I was happily listening to my favourite station.  I went off to work, came back in the evening tried to listen again and nothing. Tried again Saturday morning, nothing. Thought it was an issue my end so checked the settings - all fine. I've tried each day but still nothing.


Why don't vTuner or Sony post up about this somewhere so others know what's happening?


Well this is the message I have been getting since Monday. Plus, I feel Sony are trying to fob me off by trying to offer me product support. We don't need product support. Just somebody to make a statement about what has happened and how it is going to be rectified. As much as I love Sony, customer support has never been their strong point. If this isn't sorted out this week I feel a call to my consumer rights show on local BBC radio coming on. However, let's give them another day and see what happens. 



Not applicable

Hi there


Just to let you all know, I have reported the issues to Sony in the hopes that they can shed some light into whats going on. 


Another thread has started, and I hope to use it as a master thread - as its effecting multiple devices (and too many threads just do my head in).  Any information that I receive, ill post it below:



This afternoon I received another message from Sony.

On my question "how long the repair still takes?  They answered as follows:

Bedankt voor uw email naar Sony Support.

Het probleem wordt veroorzaakt door de server die de internet radio streamed.

In mijn ervaring worden problemen vergelijkbaar binnen 3 dagen opgelost.

Dan reken ik uiteraard niet het weekend mee.


In Eglish:


Thanks for yor email to Sony Support.

The problem is caused by the server that streams the internet radio.

In my exprience problems like this will be solved within 3 days.

That does not include the weekend.


My problems started last friday-evening, so I count on a repair on wednesday.

Let's wait and hope.