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Tell us how to copy (or clone) the TV audio to a speaker in another room (kitchen / cloakroom)


Tell us how to copy (or clone) the TV audio to a speaker in another room (kitchen / cloakroom)

The need: I'm watching TV but want to continue listening to the audio when I pop out of the room for a minute (eg it's my turn to make a drink). Surely I thought there may be a way to duplicate the sound, just as they play the TV sound in hotel bathrooms? But no.

I can't find a way to create a music group that plays TV sound. I'd hoped that a Google or Alexa device could be put to use but I haven't found that.  I don't mind using a cable from the many sockets on the Receiver.

But has anyone a solution or clue? 


The TV equipment: Sony Bravia TV XD8005; Sony receiver STRDN860.

Other useful bits: 1 x portable speaker SRS-HG1 and soundbar HT-XT1. 


Tags (3)

Hi @RgrFr0 

I don’t have any experience with this Sony product but it may be what you are looking for. You could always buy it from Amazon and return it if it is not suitable.



I agree with SonyUser30Yrs.


The TV speaker was actually specifically made for your exact use case as far as I know, and it's practically painless in how it connects.


Hope this helps!


- JD