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BRAVIA KDL-40NX723 cannot recognise servers

BRAVIA KDL-40NX723 cannot recognise servers



I have a BRAVIA KDL-40NX723 TV that is not recoghising any severs.  I currently have Universal Media Server 5.0.0  and that has detected the TV.  


I also have a samsung S3 phone that I used to be able to play the photos from onto the TV now the phone does not see the TV .  


Is there anything in the TV settings I need to do to enable the above to work correctly.


I have Reset the TV to factory setiungs , also my router.  And restarted the laptop and phone.


The TV is connected to the router by an ethernet cable and can access the internet ok.




Not applicable

Hi there


The TV will only display 8 DLNA servers.  If you look at the network settings on the TV (under server list), if others are listed, simply remove them.  If you have devices that are perminant DLNA servers, its best to use a fixed IP address instead of DHCP - as if the IP address changes on the DLNA server, the TV will create a new instance of this in its server list.


Also, you must use a DLNA Server software (like Serviio, Twonky etc etc) and not simply SAMBA file shares.


Hope this makes sense.



Thanks for the reply, in the server  list there was no severs showing, however I have now download Serviio and this works a treat.  I did assign UMS a static IP address as I know about this issue previously.  I used to have homestream on my previous laptop but after getting a new one found it is no longer avaiable to download.  But looking at Serviio it seems the same as homestream and I know what I am doing with that.

Not applicable

Hi there


Yes, Homestream was built on the Serviio platform.  Sony no longer require Homestream as thier TVs support a much wider range of codecs than it used to, as well as other DLNA servers on the market.  Glad its now working for you.

