Deel jouw ervaring!
I bought my Vaio in July. It's been in repairs twice now and the main problem has not been fixed.
The Vaio switches itself off, CD-Rom does not work, it will not let me to turn on updates or windows control. The virus control system also won't work and I can't charge my IPhone now.
I am speechless. the Vaio was due to be taken for repairs for the 3rd time and I have been waiting for two weeks now.
I updated the pick up address and UPS still turned up at the old address but according to Vaio they have updated my address. Then someone told Sony records are showing it already has been picked up. Now it still has not and Sony has been ignoring my emails all together. What a joke, what a disgrace!
Is anyone from Sony going to fix this or Am I going to be left hanging.
some answers would be good.
Very disappointed.
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Beste MagdaKlosowski,
Sony zou u nu een update gegeven moeten hebben.
met vriendelijke groet,
Forum moderator
Dear MagdaKlosowki,
Sony should have been in touch with you now and updated you.
Kind Regards,
Beste MagdaKlosowski,
Welkom bij het Sony Forum! Dit is een Nederlands-talig gebruikers forum: Nederlands wordt daarom geprefereerd, zodat Sony gebruikers elkaar makkelijk vragen kunnen stellen en tips kunnen uitwisselen. Dit is dus niet een directe lijn naar Sony zelf, maar door de aard van je vraag heb ik deze doorgegeven aan Sony en mocht Sony hier mij antwoord op geven, zal ik het laten weten.
met vriendelijke groet,
Forum Moderator
Dear MagdaKlowski,
Welcome to Sony Forum! This is a Dutch language user forum: Dutch is the prefered language so Sony users can ask each other for advice more easily and share tips. This is not a direct line to Sony but because of the nature of your query I have escalated this to Sony and should they respond, I will let you know.
Kind regards,
Forum Moderator.