Share your experience!
Hi Guys, have searched through the forums, but am not sure if I can find information specific enough to help.
Basically problem is I've just noticed a 'hairline' screen crack on the display of my Vaio (SVE1511L1EW). It doesn't seem to be affecting any pixels as yet, but it's quite large (runs diagonally downwards from the top left corner of the screen and is about 3/4 inches in length). Maybe it has just damaged the glass on top but not the screen component underneath?
Is it inevtiable that it will get worse, and render the screen unusable? Many of the replies about other laptop models I've seen online suggest yes, but not all. So I guess the question is should I replace it ASAP, or wait and see if it deteriorates further?
If replacing the screen immediately is the only real option, do Sony offer good deals on this, or would asking an independent specialist be a better option? Anyway thanks for whatever advice you can give here!
Hi midsguy32 and welcome.
It may last quite a long time before the screen gets worse - particularly if you are very careful when opening and closing the screen.
There probably isn't a right or wrong answer to this but I would probably not replace the screen immediately and try to get it to last until your warranty expires after 12 months. After that time you will be free to shop around online for a good price for replacement. Sony are fairly expensive for this sort of repair.
You will probably get other opinions but in the end, you must choose!
Thanks a lot Blencogo, sounds like good advice. It hasn't been getting worse over the last couple of days, so as you say maybe it will last until the warranty runs out.
Good to have your experience and expertise in this area!