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HELP!! My VCG-31M won't record TV after factory restore


HELP!! My VCG-31M won't record TV after factory restore

I had a virus on my VCG-31M (running XP) and have done a complete factory retsore. Everything is fine, except that if I try to record TV an error message pops up saying that recording can't be done because registration with database has failed. What does that mean? and does anyone know how to fix this?


Hi ralphbar and welcome to Club Vaio.

Can you please recheck your Vaio model - I am guessing you probably have a VGC-V3M but it is only a guess.

If so you need to go to Vaio Zone setup and set up a folder for TV recording on drive D:\.

But you may have a model using Windows Media Center - please check the model.



Hi Blencogo - you are correct I think it is a VCG-V3M. I say that because on the serial number sticker it says PCV-F31M, but when I keyed in my serial number to the support page it identifies it as VCG-V3M.

When I did the factory restore I left the D drive alone - should I have wiped that too? I also get a message when I first boot which reports that the space available for recording is getting low.

I'll try to do as you say and report back.




I deleted the database folder in the d drive and started a recording. This forced the system to recreate the directory for storing recordings.

It is surprising that the Sony support people I spoke to did not seem to recognise the error message, nor come up with this solution (which I found after hours of trying all sorts of things).