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S1 and AV Mode buttons


S1 and AV Mode buttons

Hi all,

Just got an FZ21Z laptop and in order to get rid of all the unwanted software I did a Clean install of Vista, But now I can't get the S1 and AV Mode button to work, The up and down volume control on the large dvd button works ok, but unshure if the others do as not install the dvd software yet.

Any one with any ideas, I have searched the forums but to no avail :cry:



Hi Steve and welcome to Club Vaio.

Unfortunately, a clean install of Vista not only gets rid of the software you don't want - it also gets rid of a lot of software you probably do want!

You cannot recover the Blu-Ray Player and will have to buy another version of WinDVD BD or PowerDVD Ultra and none of the pre-installed Applications are downloadable but you may get some from your Recovery Disc.

To get everything working, you need to reinstall the Original Drivers Package and the Original Utilities Package either from your Recovery Discs or from here: -

The special keys are controlled by the Utilities programs as are things like Power Management so you will need to install them all - but a word of warning, I am not sure ALL the utilities you need are available for your model.

It is a big job without the guarantee of ultimate success - I would always recommend uninstalling what you don't want from the Sony OEM Installation as there is no noticeable speed advantage from a clean install.


I would always recommend uninstalling what you don't want from the Sony OEM Installation as there is no noticeable speed advantage from a clean install.

Hi Steve

I agree with Blencogo, although another option you could consider..

Following this guide will not give you a 100% clean install, however it will reinstall the vista operating system, drivers, utilities and a couple of the pre installed applications, one of which is Win DVD DB...

Click Start, All Programs, then Vaio Recovery Center..

Click Continue on the User Account Control window

Once the Vaio Recovery Center window opens

Select Restore C: Drive then press Start..

then follow the recovery wizard..

On reboot click cancel on the message which pops up asking you if you want to finish the recovery process by installing the apps.

You should then be able to stop Vaio Application Recovery from starting if you go to start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler..

In task scheduler you should have three windows, Overview of Task Scheduler, then below this Task Status and finally at the bottom Active tasks..

In task scheduler go to the bottom section of the centre column (called active tasks)

Double click Vaio Application Recovery and on the right hand column, select either delete or disable..


Thanks Guys,

Yes did install the Original Utilities Package, and you are correct in thinking the one that controls the S1 and AV Mode are not there, or I could not find
Shame sony did not include and disks instead of dumping it all on the harddrive, sure wouldn't have cost that much :wink:

As for better speed with the original install, this laptop never alway boot properly had to do another boot, It even ask to recover on bootup once which I did, But it was the same, Don't think it liked the sleep mode.
I have never seen so much junk on a laptop before, and I have had afew :slight_smile:

So come on Sony give those people who want to do a fresh install all the suff they need


Hi Steve,

I don't know if it will work but the Original Utilities Package for the VGN-FZ11Z does have the missing Utilities: -

1. Sony Utilities DLL
2. Setting Utilities Series
3. VAIO AV Mode Launcher Utility

You normally have to install the Sony Utilities first, folllowed by the Sony Shared Library, followed by the Vaio Event Service, followed by the Setting Utility Series to get the special keys working.

As I said, I do not know if these Utilities will work for your model - up to you if you want to try them.



Thanks Blencogo

Will give it a try, thanks for your time,

Even thought I have carried out a fresh install this laptop fails to load window first time, I have the power button set to shutdown windows so not sure if it’s that, But when I start my laptop after a few seconds the screen goes black and all hard drive activity stops so I have to press and hold the power to do a forced shutdown, then when it come back on I select start window normally and it will then load ok, not sure what happening :slight_frown: If I reboot then it come on ok just seem when I have shut it down and reboot the next day, Will have to try using the start menu to shut it down and see what happens
