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Hi guys & girls
Got a refurbished 301 recently which I am v pleased with, however it doesnt have the original keyboard, remote control or WLAN aerial. It's 127 British quids, about 160 Euros to replace them. Not happy about that! Are they worth buying at that price?
Anyway I was reading elsewhere that to check if the remote is being received to go in to Control Panel and into the Infrared menu item.
I have no Infrared menu item, and so I have no idea if my replacement keyboard/remote/mouse would be received by the built in infrared receiver, before I cough up for them.
Is this a start from scratch rebuild job, or am I missing something?
And will the infrared receiver pick up anything other than the original remote/keyboard?
Same thing for me, bought a refurbished VGX-XL301 on Ebay.
But I found the Remote control on Ebay in USA for $9,99, the name is SONY VAIO RM-MC10.
And the keyboard I bought, but not received yet, Sony VGP-WKB5 Vaio Wireless Keyboard.
That keyboard I hope will work with VGX-XL301, a much more elegant keyboard.
Regarding the IR question, keyboards and mouse use 433Mhz transmission for the connection not IR.
The circuit board in the VGX-XL series is named VGP-WRC3, it is possible that i can work to hook up another brand of keyboard and mouse. Press the connect button behind the flap in the front, and after that the connect button on the keyboard you wan´t to try.
Good luck..