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Vaio Fit Multi flip questions

Hello, new here so apologies if I have posted in the wrong place.


I have just bought at Vaio Fit Multi Flip 15A and I have a couple of questions.


1. There is a lot of talk about Silent/Quiet mode, I have looked for this setting and cannont find it.  I presume this should be in the Vaio Control Centre under power options then cooling etc?  I can only think, is this setting only available on the 13A perhaps?  I should add that my fan noise is there very occasionaly, but only just so not something I would be that worried about, but I would like to try out this option if I can.


2. Gesture Control.  I have downloaded the Gesture Control update from sony website, but I can't find the Gesture Control software mentions on my PC, anyone know how I go about this?


3. Not really a question, but more perplexed, why did Sony only include a rear cameron on the 13A? is this because they felt anything bigger is not really an option to be taking pictures with?


Many thanks for any help.

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