
HX9V Firmware update PLEASE!

Dear SONY,

I've recently bought this amazing camera. I've changed from DSLR, because the size and handling wasn't comfortable for family photos. I think You've done very good job with this product, to put in great features in a single device.

However, I suppose, the hardware deserves a new firmware.

The biggest problem is a noise reduction, what makes the details and colors of pictures smudged. It should be good to set the level of NR by user.

Another important and missing function to save pictures in RAW. I'm sure the hardware can handle this correctly, providing great images.

As I've found on the net, most of users and testers would wish this upgrade, to make the camera more useable.

Please, inform Us about the progress of firmware development, because I hope it worth to wait for a good news.

Thanks for Your help, and answers

Best regards,

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