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UBP-X800 Netflix Sound Issue

Hello all,

First time here so go easy on me.......


So I have my nice new x800 hooked up to my projector so me & the Mrs can watch 'her' favourate Netflix series at 100 inches. Quality is great and very happy with my purchase.


The other night we fancied taking a look at 'Stanger Things', Netflix fired up, looked great and sent Dolby Digital to my reviever and all was good - Until - Episode 1 finished.


4 seconds later when Netflix's countdown completed episode 2 fired up but there was no sound.


Total silence for around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'....Silence....around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'.....Silence.....around 5-6 seconds and then a 'quick burst of sound'  etc etc


You get the picture ?


The only way to get it to work again was to close down Netflix and restart it from the home screen, then, Episode 2 has perfect sound again  ! ! ! !


Has anyone else experienced this, any idea how to stop it doing this anoying thing ?


Many Thanks



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