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Is there a replacement for STR-DN1080

Sorry if this has already been asked. I am looking to finally get an av receiver and i've been looking at the STR-DN1080 for a mighty long time. It's been out since 2017 or before. So why haven't i seen a successor on sony's homepage? Does anyone know if a new one is coming? I have been "only Sony" for over 2 decades now and the past 4 years on the xperia handsets. But if no new AV is coming out, i'll have to look elsewhere - I already have in the guise of Denon's AVR-X2700H. It has internet radio, 8k ready and upscaling to 8k plus 120mhz which is good for the ps5. I do not want to buy a 4-5 year old device even though it's still got great reviews. I'd really love to get a Sony product but if not, hey ho.


Are there any new ones coming up?

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