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Accessing the Internet

Accessing the Internet

Please treat me as a complete Tablet Novice - I'm computer/laptop capable but touch screens are new too me.  I brought my Tablet S on 29 December from John I set my WiFi up and am getting 'excellent' connection. (Full green bars with flashing triangles)  However, when I try the internet it takes at least two attempts to connect to a website - sometimes eight or ten attempts.  The screen keeps going to 'webpage not available' or 'data connectivity problem' time out try again, then go back and try again and eventually it comes up with the webpage.  So I do have WiFi connection.  Then sometimes when I click a link on a page, it does the same and I have to go back and start again.  This is happening with most of the websites I use which are various. Video unlimited has been a none starter, when I do manage to connect, I have been unable to download any of my Xmas offer of free films. My question is: Is this how Tablets operate, or am I doing something wrong, or is there something wrong with my device?  I have downloaded the 3.2 update. I have tried all the suggestions from users in the forums including “reset and factory reset. The reason I bought the S Tablet is primarily for Internet access. All my other devices, desk top, laptops including a Vaio, sony ericsson phone and printer all connect and I have no problem with access. My friends and family have not had any problem when connecting their IPads to my wireless connection so why am I having a problem with my Sony Tablet S. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.

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I experienced some wifi issues too...

I suggest that you change (only temporarly) your router's wifi encryption to WEP or 'none', just for a try... If the situation goes better like that, you'll be able to download the latest Android 3.2.1 which is supposed to fix wifi issues and then, get back to the initial wifi encryption method.

Let us know...

Thank you for you reply. I have since downloaded 3.2.1 and i'm experiencing the same problem. I am waiting for a resonse from Sony to see what they have to say, there does appear to be a lot of users with the same problem on the forums. Perhaps i'm expecting to much from Android and hopefully version 4 will solve a lot of problems.

I got tbe below from Sony Support:

Call your ISP and ask them to change the wireless channels on your router to 1, 6 or 11.

Update to latest software version.

Hope this may help


I just got the same from Sony Support, my software is up to date and i'm already using channel 11.

I tried changing to 1 and 6 but lost my connection all together :thinking: i am connect to the internet but never manage to logon to any sites the first time, always takes 2, 3 or more attemps.

have you tried another wifi connection? id say try it to rule out a hardware problem with the tablet. then you will know whether the tablet or router is at fault.

I've bought a tablet s last week and have not been able to get it to connect to wifi yet. Connects for couple of seconds then drops it. iPad iPhone TV Sonos all work. Took it back to shop only to be told it is a software problem but that there is no warranty on software but as gesture of good will they will return it to Sony and await ther instructions. They the retailer would let me know in about 5 weeks.

Why are we accepting this tablet if Sony know the software is faulty. If my one comes back with same fault it will be straight over to trading standards and I will not be waiting 5 weeks