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Anyone Using Excel on their Tablet ?


Anyone Using Excel on their Tablet ?

Very tempted by one of these new Sony Tablets, hopefully enabling me to dump my laptop. I have one major it any good at running excel ?

I do a lot of spreadsheet work (for work) so really need a tablet that will run excel. I'm using excel for basic calculations and my average spreadsheet size is approx 5mb.

Does anyone on this forum use their tablet for Excel at the moment and if so how does it work ? is it any good ? what are the drawbacks versus a regular laptop ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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I think this will depend on what you are using Excel for.  You will probably have to try it for yourself and made your own decision.

Although OK for basic use, Excel is not designed for touch screen input and Tablets are not really designed for this number crunching purpose.  I suspect for anything but very basic use, a tablet will become a frustration and possibly unusable as the input methods available are cumbersome compared to a mouse and keyboard.

However, there is an accessory keyboard available and this may be worth a try although it rather defeats the mobility argument.

Personally, I would keep your laptop for Excel and enjoy Tablet S for what it was designed for.


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I think this will depend on what you are using Excel for.  You will probably have to try it for yourself and made your own decision.

Although OK for basic use, Excel is not designed for touch screen input and Tablets are not really designed for this number crunching purpose.  I suspect for anything but very basic use, a tablet will become a frustration and possibly unusable as the input methods available are cumbersome compared to a mouse and keyboard.

However, there is an accessory keyboard available and this may be worth a try although it rather defeats the mobility argument.

Personally, I would keep your laptop for Excel and enjoy Tablet S for what it was designed for.
