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DLNA File Format Not Supported.. all the time?

DLNA File Format Not Supported.. all the time?


I just bought the Sony Tablet S and am really enjoying it.

But the DLNA support is a bit of a letdown...

I connected it to my existing wifi network in the hopes that i could use DLNA to play content from my NAS ...and its just not working.

I've had my PS3 play movies and show photos from my Iomega StorCenter ix200 with no problems for a while now. I thought that since the PS3 had no problems then the tablet should be the same..

On the tablet I can see and connect to the NAS no problem.. and I can view the lists of divx's and photos ...

But when I try to play a divx it just says file format not supported and when I try view any of my photos it just shows a graphic with a squiggly line (like a line graph). I don't think there's anything wrong with the divx's as they play fine from the PS3.

I'm wondering if I need to get a codec pack for the divx's?

Not sure what would be needed to view the photos.. they are all .jpg's

They are taken with my fuji finepix camera.

I only have the tablet three days.. have done the obvious updates (the little downarrow beside the clock) but there may be other updates I need to do?

Would really apprciate any advice or help,



PS: the tablet is the 'S' and bought locally in Ireland.


Ok, I've answered this one for myself.

The stock DLNA client and video player are practically useless.. they don't support most file formats so they won't play pretty much 99% of the files (that I have anyway)

i solved this problem by installing two apps from the android market.

  • BubbleUPnP - replacement for the DLNA
  • Mobo Player - replaces the video player

Use BubbleUPnP to find your DLNA server and then when you select a file to play you will be asked to select a vidoe player. Click the default checkbox and then select Mobo Player.

Also, at first startup the Mobo Player will tell you to go get the codec pack from the market. Click on the link and do that.

Then you should be set.

Still haven't tackled the picture viewing issue yet. The problem again is a limitation in the stock software. The picture viewer supplied only displays photos/images that are the same resolution as the screen...

(can't remember exactly but its in the manual.. think its 1024 x 768 or something like that0 ..

Anyway, thats really restrictive and means most of the photos you take on a modern camera (like 5 meagapixel or 10 megapixel) will not be displayed unless you first go to the hassle of converting them to the right resolution....

So, when I get time I'll go look for a gallery app and update this thread.



On the issue of your photos not displaying, that sounds rather strange.

For what it's worth I have photos imported onto my tablet that came from 3 different cameras all with different resolutions and they all display without problem.

The cameras in question, one is a Kodak 6mp, one a Panasonic 12mp and the other from a wedding photographer using a Nikon D200.

And I use the stock gallery app as well to display them

Sorry can't offer any help though

Hi there sehuxle,

Thanks for the update.

The difference might be that I tried viewing the photos over a DLNA connection.

My DLNA server is an IOMEGA StorCenter ix200.

And it has worked great up top this with laptops and my PS3

Its just this new tablet that is not displaying the photos...

You appear to have copied the photos onto the tablet.. whereas I'm trying to view photos served over DLNA.

So, again, thanks for your advice.

I'll have a look at it again at home some night and see how it goes.

I'm waiting for a cradle to arrive and the goal is to have the tablet work as a photo frame, when its in the cradle, displaying photos from a folder on the DLNA server...

Best Regards,


Ok I see what you're saying

Not sure if it's the same process but I am able to view pictures on my tablet that are stored on my PC.

The tablet sees the PC wirelessly (if that's the correct term) and I can 'stream' pictures, video and music without issue.

Hi Again,

Ehm.. am a bit confused now.. how do you view pictures on your PC wirelessly?

Are you not using the DLNA app ?

Can you tell me what app you start to view the pictures? And what app do you use to stream the video?

Maybe I have the whole thing wrong... :¬)


Ok, PC  turned on. Using Win7, have 2 users setup but only need to get to the user log in screen.

Then using the supplied sony DLNA app on the tablet it sees the two users. They appear at the top of the screen. From that I can click on either one and it bring up the various PC folders for video, pictures, music. Then i drill down and can select to either view pictures, play music or video.

It works the same way on the PS3 which i originally set up some time ago. I think I set up my PC to share and operate as a media server.

So now my tablet and PS3 streams video,music via my router from my PC.

From memory I googled set up PS3 media server. Didnt have to do anything special for the tablet it just works.

Hi there ,

First of all, I just want to thank you for your time and for bearing with me.

Its great to have someone take the time to try help out.

The light is dawning now, you are using the PS3 media server on your PC.

So, what that does is transcode the video, and/or convert the images to the format that the stock DLNA app on the tablet can consume.

So, thats the difference.. I have been using a NAS Drive... so I needed something else to handle the differences in the video codecs and image formats.

We therefore have arived at two workable solutions:

1 - PS3 Media server on the PC coupled with the stock DLNA client app on the tablet


2  - Other DLNA server, serving content to the BubbleUPnP and Mobi Player apps on the tablet.

Solution #2 there, is for people like me who are using a NAS, or other device, to serve content.

I can't run PS3 Media Server on my Iomega StorCentre ix200.. its a network drive connected to my wifi router. (The advantage there is that I don't need to have my PC turned on to provide access to the content.)

So i needed to have BubbleUPnp and Mobi Player (with all its additional codecs) to handle the differences.

Again, let me thank you for taking the time to tease this one out.

Best Regards,


Use Skifta.

For me was the solution. PS3 server.

Now I see videos and photos.
