
jelly bean

when or if is the original sony tablet s getting the jelly bean update as i know the usa recently had un update giving them some experia features.would like to know how far sony is commiting to the tablet s thanks


Thalamus. wrote:

monkeyboy69 wrote:

I doubt very much that Jelly Bean will ever be rolled out for the S.  I doubt that the S will ever see anymore upgrades EVER.  They want us to buy the Experia and then the next model after that ad infinitum.  Remember, upgrades don't make them money but shiny brand new hardware does and i'm sure that while we, the general public keep falling for it, they, Sony, will keep sticking it to us.

I don't think the Tablet S will receive the Jelly bean update but a far as I am aware the EU Tablet S should be getting a similar update to the one Sony USA released a couple of months ago..

Unfortunately I am not able to get an actual release date but hopefully it will be soon..


As you will know I was an early adopter with a day two puchase of the tablet in the UK, and have been a relatively staunch defender of it. However now I am getting massively disappointed by Sony's attitude to us Tablet S owners (god only knows how those who bought a 'P' must feel).

I work in the IT industry for a massive corporate and if we brought out a product and ceased updates within 18 mths we would get crucified, lose all credibility and massive market share. I still love my tablet and appreciate technology moves on but you would expect at least three year support and developement for a product with software updates. One of the reasons for choosing the tablet was because Android is more open standard so upgrades should get done. At the very least if Sony's attitude is to cease support they shoul release an unlock and make it simple for us to upgrade independantly to Jelly Bean.

Even Apple allow older devices to use the latest updates even if the hardware doesn't support all the new features - my iPhone 4 is happily running ios 6.0.1 even though most features are for the iPhone 5.

It seems I may have to go to an iPad when I decide to renew my tablet.....unless sont recognise the error of their ways - something I unfortunately doubt due to their silence and the dwindling activity on this forum - it seems the tablet s will go the way of the mini disk player - you think I would learn!

Just my thoughts



I don't blame you to be honest. I doubt Sony will make another tablet. I have the new Xperia S tablet, having upgraded from the Tablet S and really regret buying it.

Sony just do not get UI and updating on time. JB will make it so much smoother but who knows when it will come despite promising soon after launch!

I've had to send mine back as the splashproof casing is getting loose

It's bogged down with so much bloatware that it stutters on a Tegra 3 quad core chip compared to the same chip in a Nexus 7 which flies.

In addition to the power button issue widely reported, but no word on a fix, even if you want an Android tablet, you are better off with either a Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 with guaanteed quick updates out the gate or Asus transformer ones. I have Sony all over my house, but def will not be picking up another Sony tablet again, that's for sure.

What a shame, coming from a guy who always looks for Sony products first.


I quote and subscribe every line of your post :slight_frown:

Message was edited by: ellebubi

mpattenden wrote:

Thalamus. wrote:

monkeyboy69 wrote:

I doubt very much that Jelly Bean will ever be rolled out for the S.  I doubt that the S will ever see anymore upgrades EVER.  They want us to buy the Experia and then the next model after that ad infinitum.  Remember, upgrades don't make them money but shiny brand new hardware does and i'm sure that while we, the general public keep falling for it, they, Sony, will keep sticking it to us.

I don't think the Tablet S will receive the Jelly bean update but a far as I am aware the EU Tablet S should be getting a similar update to the one Sony USA released a couple of months ago..

Unfortunately I am not able to get an actual release date but hopefully it will be soon..


As you will know I was an early adopter with a day two puchase of the tablet in the UK, and have been a relatively staunch defender of it. However now I am getting massively disappointed by Sony's attitude to us Tablet S owners (god only knows how those who bought a 'P' must feel).

I work in the IT industry for a massive corporate and if we brought out a product and ceased updates within 18 mths we would get crucified, lose all credibility and massive market share. I still love my tablet and appreciate technology moves on but you would expect at least three year support and developement for a product with software updates. One of the reasons for choosing the tablet was because Android is more open standard so upgrades should get done. At the very least if Sony's attitude is to cease support they shoul release an unlock and make it simple for us to upgrade independantly to Jelly Bean.

Even Apple allow older devices to use the latest updates even if the hardware doesn't support all the new features - my iPhone 4 is happily running ios 6.0.1 even though most features are for the iPhone 5.

It seems I may have to go to an iPad when I decide to renew my tablet.....unless sont recognise the error of their ways - something I unfortunately doubt due to their silence and the dwindling activity on this forum - it seems the tablet s will go the way of the mini disk player - you think I would learn!

Just my thoughts



Hi Padster,

What can I say, you make a valid point...:smileyplus:

I must admit I was surprised to discover that Sony are probably not going to release the jelly bean update for the Tablet S..

If true I do not know why the decision has been made by Sony but if it's hardware/performance reasons then as you say surely Tablet S owners should be given the choice  on wether they want to install JB even if it's at the expense of forfeiting Sony product support..

I am trying to get an official response but even trying to pin someone down to commit to a date when the EU Tablet S should be getting a similar update to the one Sony USA released a couple of months ago is prooving dificult..:smileysad:

I love my tablet s and have never had a problem with it so it saddens me to here no new jelly bean it just so stupid of sony a very simple thing to do but they would rather loose customers it realy Doesn't  make anny sense

I agree with everything said. The logic behind not rapidly shipping the USA update elsewhere is unfathomable. I love my S. I too have Sony products throughout but my next tablet will be from Apple who clearly see it as a core product for themselves.

I have decided that as soon as I can I will be selling my tablet s and bying the new nexus ten atleast I know I will get updated as soon as they are out and not a year later bad show sony bad show I will also be telling people not to put there hard earned cash into a company thats bad on customer service and on keeping there hard ware upto date

I have just learned that sony as a company have had there credit rating cut mabey if sony Hadn't dicked about so much realising updates sooner,not sending out productsx that had to be recalled,and We're more forthcoming with there customer they mite not be in this mess

I have come to be very doubtful about Sony being seriously intented to penetrate the tablet market. It all seems half-hearted. Caring about keeping your first day customers' base is always important in the IT fast-changing world. Brand loyalty comes from good customer support and Sony should learn something from Apple (though Apple has it hideous sides, I reckon). Early customers of a product line are usually more skilled and expert than the average and sometimes real 'enthusiasts'. In a solid business perspective, they are probably more influential than casual buyers looking for the latest tech wonder or for bargain prices.

Just my 2p :slight_frown:

The xperia tablet s will get jellybean.

Its just the old tablet s that won't get it.