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noob questions

noob questions

hi all I have a few questions about my new toy.

whether they are tablet specific issues or android limitations i,m not sure, im hoping somebody can help!

annoyances so far:

1) I cannot read emails full screen in either the built in app or gmail app. reading the tablet user guide, there is supposed to be an icon you hit to allow u to maximise the email (thus getting rid of the email list on the left that takes up a third of the screen) I cannot see this option

2) DLNA IS ABIT HIT AND MISS. I have successfully managed to stream video and mp3s to the tablet, but it refuses to display any of the photos I have on the network. they are all jpg's so not sure why this would be the case. when I use tne dnla app to browse the photos all I get is a 'broken file' icon, same when I select the file. however, if I copy the very same pics to the tablet I can view them no problem. any ideas?

3) I cannot view embedded video on various websites or facebook (usually you tube vids). I get the audio but no video. why is this?

4) Does this device (via wifi) support notifications? i'm thinking facebook notifications. I dont receive any ( and yes the option is turned on). I have an iphone on which I get push notifications, should I expect the same on th tablet?



I cant help on the first issue, but for 2,3 &4 is your tablet fully up to date? as in settings, about tablet and you should be on 3.2.1 release 2

I only ask as I havent had any of the issues so far...

To read emails in fullscreen hold the tablet in potrait mode.

thanks for the reply re full screen email!

I also can confirm I am running the latest update

for facebook, check that notifications are enabled not just through the facebook app but in android as well (there's a quick switch for it when you tap the clock)  my notifications come through as a tiny sign in the bottom right. if you want an audio notification you'll need to select a noise in the facebook app settings.

for the lack of video but sound, is this the case on bbc iplayer?

I presume this is on the default browser and not opera or Dolphin HD?

sorry for all the questions, just trying to narrow it down as I cant recreate these problems on my tablet


i seem ro have resoved the notification issue. Thanks!

wirh regard to video, iplayer works fine. the problem only exists forvideos that are played directly on another webpage (other than by playing following a link to youtube, ie, 'embedded' video.

the only thing I can think of for a fix on the video front is uninstalling adobe flash player then installing it again fresh from the market. you may want to try other browsers, Dolphin seems pretty popular.

sorry I couldn't be more helpful!


thanks guys, getting there. the only outstanding ones are the video issue and dlna issue.

in addition!:

5) i notice that when the tablet boots up after being off, it always goes to the middle of my home screens (ie not the left most one). is this normal?

6) i find text editing very difficult (specifically getting the cursor where i want it when correcting text etc). placing the cursor in the general desired area is easy enough (just touch the screen where u want it) but then trying todrag it to exactly the correct place is very difficult. i cant drag it, and holding my finger down just brings up the two green arrow things th allow u to select a string of text. to get the arrow which u can then drag to move the cursor is very difficult/a bit hit-n-miss. as i amusing a third party keyboard (swiftkey) which doest support cursor keys, it makes positioning the cursor VERY difficult.

7) regarding swiftkey: depending what app you type in the keyboard behaves differently. for example, when i am in email, it has full function (capitalisation, text prediction/corre tion etc) but in other apps (for example, as i type this in the browser, it is not providing with any of the inteligent functionality). is this normal?are there any other keyboards i should consider? (a couple of reasons i dont like the built in one are that i cant access common keys on the main keyboard screen, eg the @ sign, wihout switching to.another view)

Message was edited by: pavr27

Message was edited by: pavr27

I'm stumped on the jpegs dlna issue, but searching google shows you're not alone, and it seems to be a general dlna bug. The home screen is set to the middle one, thats normal. If you press the home key twice you'll always be taken back to it.

I definately can't help on the swiftkey issue - their website looks like it might be worth a try for support.


where on tinternet did you find similar posts regarding inabilty to view photos via dlna? i googled it and didnt find anything, and its annoying me now!