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playstation games

playstation games

having got the sony tablet for xmas i was excited at the prospect of nostalga and playing the old playstation games i loved, as my wife was told that there were 50 games to download, oh how we found she had been duped by the salesman! we had the free games offer however very disappointed with the games available full stop and i am suprised that the list hasnt had any additions since december, surely if sony are pushing this product more needs to be made of the games available. Are there any plans for more titles to be made available? thanks.


I am also disappointed by the lack of games especialy since it was one of its primary features but I suspect that they are waiting for the release of ice cream sandwich update to port some more games to the tablet.

yes i hope this happens and soon! games on offer are rather naff, i want resi evils, syphon filters, metal gear, abes oddysey,tekkens, just for starters!

Or the facility or a tutorial for customers to convert their own games perhaps?

I can get them running with an emulator by burning the disks off to an .ISO then using FPSE to run them, but I'd prefer the use of the built in emulator, please :slight_smile:

Yeah I have a lot of PS1 games still sitting about at home so FPSE was a great way to play em. If you are going to do this, I would recommend owning a physical copy in the first place. The whole thing about downloading ISO's has always been a grey area so I tend just to ensure I have a physical copy also.

Annoying FPSE is a bit hit and miss on titles it will play.

well if I was going to use an emulator, i wouldnt have gone for the sony. they need to drastically reduce the price of ancient ps1 games to 99p add sd card storage and increase the range to psp games.

the problem is that because each game needs to be developed on the tegra 2 ie porting wich takes a long and therefore we will never have the range of ps1 games.

so since the physically have to recode every games, they might as well start with the a1 psp titles like god of war. why are they wasting their time with goddamn little mermaid!