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Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more


Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more

OK lets start right from the beginning:

Hi all, (long post SORRY!!)

I am a huge Sony fan! (I wont say was as you are just about clinging on to me by a thread)

From the MDRZX700's which I reviewed very favrouable on youtube, to the Vita. From My TV and amp to my Xperia S.. I have collected lots and more along the way, my friends have dubbed me the sony wh*re but im getting just ever so slightly disapointed now...

I dont have a problem with different roll out dates for software nor do I have a problem with my country getting any software updates later than others. (I do live in the UK and according to certain reports Sonys sale are made up greatly from the UK's custom).

What I have a problem with is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing mentality. When Sony US decided to release ICS in April for USA Tablet S devices it should have spoken with other divisions of sony around the world before making the statement that ICS was been rolled out. And then an official line should have been agreed upon.

This head in the sand attitude adopted by sony is what is really driving fans mad.

I can see Sony is on a bit of a turn around at the moment with some interesting ideas set in place for their phones and I can see they are making a push to reclaim the top spot after maybe a slight wobble. What appear to be tiny things like a software update really matter, dont let lack of communication be what slips up sony.

I dont want to speak on the behalf of others as I dont have the right, however all I would greatfuly ask for is:

Upfront and clear communication, On your select ap page here in the UK you still have posts on it from last year..!! Just looks dated someone needs to work on info/bumf news and post weekly!!! Even if its  just to say check out our new Xperia GX etc..

Make everything gel together better, I can see you are trying to do this with the passport idea but its still messy..

Software with Sony plays a key part (not talking android here) and in the past I mself who studied electonic eng at uni have felt like banging my head against a screen or two.

Learn to commuincate with your customers, be creative and inspirational.. Lead dont follow. You can take Apple etc on you just need the right people and at this moment in time I think this is whats sadly missing. Men in suits, rather than out of the box thinkers who can commuincate with the many rather than the stuffy old few.

OK OK I have waffled enough now...

All im saying is learn to communicate better because if you can almost loose an utter sony nut like me then you can easily lose anybody.

(For anyone who wants to add I can root it, Yip I can but I dont want to.. I am happy to have a warrenty and doing so voids it. Also is it really my responsibility? If we take a look at ICS on the Tablet S it does from early reports fix things that should have been fine with the tablet S in the first place like its ability to forget your Wifi in a second. I should not have to work around problems a bit like the flash viewing/dont get me started on adroids fragmentation with so many other devices).

To the moderator I hear sony dont really view these sites, I do guess that you must commuincate to them from time to time so if you wouldnt mind stressing the feelings of the forum that would be great.

to finish, this is more of a plea really to Sony but i feel we a treading a never ending circle... I dont really want to go else where.. start to listen...

thank you for your time sony and the forum

sorry to rant!!! :slight_smile:

fingers crossed one light bulb goes on @ Sony HQ and  an exec think I see it all we needed to say was we are just finalising the Europe update lets keep the fans updated... also never be affraid to say sorry its not a mark of weakness its a sign youve listened

im also interested to hear others thoughts on this subject... :slight_smile:

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla


agreed they did.... and perhaps it was a little unfair of me!!!! Might have been nice also that they had kept us better informed in the first place. Im slightly unsure what that emoti at the end of the paragraph denotes.? Perhaps if the update had been signed off which im led to believe it would have to be if a release is due within 24 hours (this is the case within our firm)... it might have been nice if sony actually suprised everyone and delivered things ahead of schedule.. not to mention a roll out delivered in such away does not have everone clambering for it at the same time.

but as you rightly stated its tomorrow its due to drop and in mean time we will wait and hope Sony are true to their word...

Did you not get the email?

I received an email from Sony tday saying that the Android update is coming this week and I will getan automaticnotification from my tablet tellingme to update.

By "coming this week" I assume they mean tomorrow.

"did you not get the email"

This thread is more directed to sonys lack of comms. We are all aware finally that ics will have according to sony worldwide release by May end chayton, but it has taken us many, many weeks from US roll out on this forum to get any news and we didnt even get any info until this thread broke news on cnet. We were also just pointing out that it would be nice if sony would for once do something ahead of schedule and this would aid the roll out even if it was just by 24 hours..!!

well its the 31st and we still have 16 and a half hours  to go.... the countdown and saga continues...

Not impressed with Sony - I'm not about to replace my Sony devices, but if this is how they treat their customers, I'll not be buying any more. They need to sort out their comms and give us something to compensate. With all the Crapware they force on us that we can't uninstall, would it be that hard to include a Tablet News app that notifies us about news relevent to our devices? And then actually use it to communicate with us? Seriously - we are giving you our money, give us something back in exchange...

As far as I can tell the ICS update is still due for release today but I am not able to find confirmation of an actual time..

The lack of communication is the issue. Most companies would set a date after they knew it was ready, and have the release become available at midnight the morning of the release day.

Other companies might put up an announcement the day of the release saying "We're just making sure it's goin to go without a hitch, it should be released by XX:00 today" or "We've hit a few hitches, we'll have to push it back a week, but in the meantime enjoy X, Y and Z that you can access as valued customers"

Sony however want you to wait in an information void, because they think they're Apple, whose fanboys will take just about anything. We're more intelligent than that Sony, treat us like it.

Its what ive said from the start when I started this thread , communication is key. Its not so much about the update timing, its the way in wich sony must learn to communicate with the public.

Even more so than ever in this digital age with twitter, facebook, a myriad of www. sites, not to mention publications like stuff and t3. Theres simply no excjse at getting your message out. Its also interesting to see just that, when its good news like sonys facebook  page mentioning their nominations in t3 magazine they sing it from the rooftops, we have been snubbed here since I started this thread back in April, not one official line from sony...

I find the best routefor rolling out software as it must be signed of at least 24 hours in advance is to pick a date eg,  1st June  then roll it out 24 hours early, that way you find people arrive at updating at different  times, you dont have everyone clambering for it and it looks good on the company...

The roll out on the Xperia Arc S was done very swiftly I have a hunch it was to do more with the ericsson crew rather sonys side tho... would like some one to clarify that just out of personal interest.

anyway the countdown continues, and I keep hearing it will be today but no eta..

sony start reading these forums as it will cost you in the long term...

hope you all get your updates!!!!!!

sorry if im like a dog with a bone some times.. would just like us all to be appreciated by sony and not seen as disposable ...

take care all...

Ps Sony announce Jelly bean... lol, yerh right... see you all for round 2

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Well isn't that a bit disheartening, that 4.1 is starting to get some exposure just as we're finally about to get 4.03. My next Android device will be google-branded, you'd think that Sony would realise that people buying devices that are for 'early-adopters' might like to be on the cutting edge...

Edit - I notice they've updated the forum today to show less titles until you click 'more' glad to see where their priorities lie...

Edit2 : and it looks like someone's gotten REALLY disheartened:

Message was edited by: theheadofabroom

And finally installing

Hi all,

just to let you know that the ICS update has been released & is available to download now..