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Suggestions/thoughts for next update of Tablet S

Suggestions/thoughts for next update of Tablet S

Just thought I would start a thread as a sort of wishlist for the next update of the Tablet S (hopefully alongside ICS!).  After having the device a while there are two bits of functionality I'd love to see added.  If someone at Sony could get back and let me know the possibility of either of these happening I'd be grateful.

1) Add the ability to have music/video files on SD cards added to the inbuilt Music player playlists.  At the moment I (and I suspect everyone) have to transfer across music onto the Tablet in order to see them in the Music Library.  Given that the ability to use SD cards with the Tablet S is a key feature, and most people will probably have several cards holding different films, music albums etc that they take around with the Tablet, it would seem common sense to avoid having to make your customers constantly delete files off the tablet first and then transfer them back on.  At the moment it lets me build playlists using the files on my SD card but when I come to play them it shows the playlists as empty.  If someone has found a way to do this already please let me know but I haven't so far. I have a suspicion this may be Sony attempting to push people to use its Music and Video Unlimited services but really, if you are going to go with Android please don't then try to control us like Apple....

2) Add functionality to allow the Tablet S to be used as a remote for the PS3 - How this isn't already a function of the Tablet S seems crazy to me.  Especially given both products are made by Sony so they control the technology and have the developers in house who built them!  I can control the rest of my home entertainment kit with the S but not my PS3.   I know the PS3 uses Bluetooth and the remote that controls all my other kit uses IR, but the Tablet S has bluetooth so as far as I understand all that needs to happen is for the right Bluetooth protocols to be added to the Tablet S and they should be able to talk.  Adding this in would just complete the picture as far as the key feature of the remote control functionality goes.  I know I could buy the Logitech IR receiver and do it that way but when the Tablet and PS3 are both built by Sony I really shouldn't have to go via a third party and buy extra kit to make them talk to each other.

I suspect both the above are fairly easily achievable by Sony.  If you are listening Sony Developers, I really think adding these in would give a big boost to the Tablet S.  They both build on what are key features that set this tablet apart from others so it really is in the interests of Sony to make these features as strong as possible.

I'm sure there are other things people would love to see as well.  I'd love to see what they are because I suspect I'm not getting half as much out of the Tablet S that I could be doing.  And the only way Sony can know what we want to see added is to tell them and make some noise :-).


Assuming you want suggestions about the Sony applications...

Improve DLNA (which, tbh, may not be their fault as much as the DLNA "standard" being a "oooooh well you could if you want to" kind of standard) so that it can throw formats that the tablet itself doesn't understand - I.e. put it back the way it was before you added [Pig] Party Play support.

Faster camera focus

Automatic File Transfers of certain files from certain folders onto the SD card

Repair the link from the Support shortcut to the actual support site

Extend Social Feed Reader to Google+

Include Robo Defense for FREEEEEEE cos it's sooo awesome :dizzy:

Extend Music Unlimited to allow local downloads - then I might put my subscription back on!

Better looking Media Remote with more profiles, maybe with the ability to download community profiles, and extend it to WiFi control, e.g. TotalMedia Theatre, Winamp Remote, Spotify Remote.  And put  Remote Control on par with Media Remote

Message was edited by: amillionbytes

Message was edited by: amillionbytes

Get rid of this stupid transfer thing. I want to use extra memory to use for gaming  and not to transfer music,videos backwards and forwards. Having 8gb is stupid

As you have mentioned the PS3 I thought that I would elaborate on this. I would like to see remote play, simular to what I beleive the Vista has. So, for example, I can connect and set up TV to re ord, or stream media from my PS3.

In addition to this I think the most important thing is a better web browser, though ironically the main issuexs I have with websites are with SONY websites. Issues logging on etc. trying to register on this device would not work, constantly had technical error. Did it from a laptop first ti,e with no problems. Also issues with the PS3 website and the flash bit at the top getting in the way so unable to see anything else.

Anyone else have these problems?

I'd like support for ntfs or native support for the app that provides it but needs root access like I believe Asus have done by including the app having already given it the correct access.

Then my sd cards can hold my movies and be played direct :slight_smile:


Loads of good things I hadn't thought of.  Have to say I haven't tried using the DLNA yet but it does seem to be something people are finding frustrating.  And also haven't had any problems with the browser on mine but I'm going to go and have a go running Sony sites on it now and see if I can break it :-).

The other thing I thought of whilst using it the other day was the addition of a simple file browser as a default app.  I found it annoying having to download a 3rd party app to do something that is quite a straighforward piece of functionality (IMHO).