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Tablet P 3G SIM card problem- "3 Network" incorrectly connects to "3WAP" instead of "3internet"

Tablet P 3G SIM card problem- "3 Network" incorrectly connects to "3WAP" instead of "3internet"

I have the problem that my 3G connection drops without warning on my Sony Tablet P. It is my understanding that Sony recommends the 3THREE network. I was speaking to 3THREE support on Saturday & this particular guy was very informative & said I am connected to the wrong connection- 3WAP, & I should be connected to 3Internet. This is the problem; it is not possible to connect to 3Internet. Under Mobile Networks in Settings, Network operators (available networks), I can get "3" listed three times but two of these listings are "Unable to Connect" is the message. The first 3 listed Connects & Registers with 3 but only as 3WAP. This is shown under Access Point Names (APN). Is anybody experiencing the same issue & problem?

Message was edited by: nh9999

Message was edited by: nh9999