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Tablet S will not learn

Tablet S will not learn

One of the main attractions of the Tablet S, for me, was the universal remote function. I've had to teach each device individually button by button, which got the job done... until I came to my Onkyo TX-NR609 AV Receiver.

Absolutely nothing I have been able to do will make the Sony tablet learn the Receiver Mode command from the original remote. Yes, I've tried different angles and distances form the tablet, also different lighting conditions and length of button press. The strange thing is, most other buttons WILL map to the Sony from this remote, with no problem at all, Yes, the button still works fine on the original remote. The problem here is that the Receiver Mode button is quite important, and without this mapped to the Sony, I may as well not bother using the tablet as a universal remote, when using my Home Cinema set up. Which, as you can imagine, is hugely disappointing.

So, does anyone here have a clue as to why the Sony will not map this single key, and how on earth I can get past the problem?

Also, will someone at Sony please extract the digit and update the universal remote app so that it will allow actions, which Logitech with their Harmony range of controllers have been doing for years!


I thought I was doing something wrong but I've got the same issue on my hifi - the tablet has  learnt all the buttons except the AUX and USB, the two ways I listen to music.


Hi Ed, thanks for the post. Helps convince me I'm not messing anything up, and it's the Sony's fault. Yes, like you, the button I can't map is vital. So, if someone at Sony is reading this, can we have the solution, please?

Dear nathanbrazilsfsi,

Welcome on this forum. I'm sorry to read about your issue. I escalated your issue to the support team because I never experienced that malfunction with my learned remotes (every learned command does actually work); they won't be long to answer... I hope :wink:

Splendid. I shall check back regularly, and hope for good news. BTW, any word on that update to allow Actions when using universal remote?

Not for the moment but I recently spoke to a Sony guy who promised me to talk about this functionnality to technical support... I'm waiting for this too :wink:

So there is no time frame on this that you are aware of, just some time this year?

I must admit to being somewhat baffled and disappointed that Sony would create a tablet to rival the iPad, and then not bother with obvious functionality. Or, it would seem, enough testing of the hardware. Surely, the rewards are worth getting such things right. This is not a cheapo bit of kit, so it should work as well as the iPad, no excuses.

I'm finding more peeps who have had bizzare problems, where the Sony will not map certain keys, and these keys are usually something important. I'm just not getting why this should be, from a technical perspective. If the machine is registering most keys, then why not all?


My issue is with the OPT+ button  on Humax freeview

HD recorder again a vital button, which  controls deletion of viewed  programmes etc.

The other problem is with the media centre where I can only press the direction buttons once, I have to press another button before it will recognise another press.

As you may have found, Sony don't seem to have heard of PVRs. On my Tablet, I had to work from scratch, designating it as 'other' and mapping button by button. This, however, was with a Toshiba PVR, and all the buttons mapped correctly.

From what I can gather, the failure to map seems to be spread randomly across a number of devices unconnected by type or manufactuerer. Let's hope the boffins really are working on this, and will have an answer sooner rather than later. If what I've seen so far, here and elsewhere, more than a few peeps are going to be unhappy until this is fixed. A shame, for what could be the best Android tablet, once those rough edges are smoothed.


Any sign of movement on this issue, or have the boffins brains melted down.

...and a few days on, I've now had to opportunity to test out this issue using a Logitech Harmony remote, and can report that the same key will not map. So, I'm presuming that this would also be true of other unmappable keys from other devices.

It has been suggested to me that the reason behind this issue is the frequency of the IR pulse being generated, which the Sony and Logitech and both failing to register. If this is the case, can this be solved by a software/ firmware update, or have those of us that bought the first generation of Sony Tablets been landed with something that has a hardware issue which is never going to be fixed?


Message was edited by: nathanbrazilsfsite

Message was edited by: nathanbrazilsfsite