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Wireles N issues?

Wireles N issues?

Since purchasing the sony Tablet S at Christmas, i've had nothing but agro connecting to the net, web pages time out and streaming video is impossible.  I have a D-link dir655 wireless N router which everything else in the house connects to 100% ok. when running a speed test, i get about 9mb download on my laptop but on the tablet i get around 3mb, i have been messing with the settings in the router and discovered that if i set the router to wireless G only, i have little problems ( apart from reduced signal strength). AS i paid a premium at the time for weireless N, i don't want to leave the router set to G.

whats going on here and has anyone else had this problem?

EDIT; seems my problem is due to bluetooth being switched on, strange how it only interferes with wireless n though? hope this gets fixed soon.


Message was edited by: Rich_Enduro

Message was edited by: Rich_Enduro