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WMV player and SD card

WMV player and SD card

I was really quite chuffed to get this tablet since it had a flash player that the pad didnt but It cant play the basic wmv file. does anyone know of the best way to watch them? ive tried mv player but that was rubbish.

Also ive converted a bluray into the correct format to play but the video wont go onto my sd card as it is 4.3 gband it wont port across to the internal tablet memory as it is fats32 format. any ideas as it took a long time to convert the movie and I wanted it on here.



I use file manager hd coupled with mx video player and haven't had any issues with playing files there are also people here whp user mobo player.

With regards to your file issues I have similar issues all my movies are 1080 mkv's (7-8GB). The issue is currently Android doesn't support ntfs (natively) and you need ntfs as fat32 wont support files larger than 4GB!

You can get an app to support ntfs but you have to have a rooted device, this breaks the warranty something I don't want to do and even if you wanted the device has not been successfully rooted yet anyway - according  to other sites such as xda.

I'm hoping at some point ntfs will be supported but not holding my breath as it's heritage is microsoft!

